Chapter 9 ~ A perfect night

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Once Jacob told me the whole story (not about his feelings for her ~ yet ; ) I felt kinda bad. He had slightly broken up with Alexandra, because of me. Yet again, I'd caused a riff between the two, but for some reason I also felt happy about the breakup. I should be sad for Jacob, but yet again, I was being selfish and only thinking about my own feelings, which were continually growing and implied I really liked Jacob at this stage.
'Just tell her you won't see me again' I told him, hating my advice, 'I won't mind' I said lying very poorly, right to his face.
'Stop lying Mads' Jacob replied using his old nickname for me. 'You would last a week without seeing your bestie'
I knew he was right, but didn't want to admit it. 'But I thought she was perfect' I said quoting him, 'didn't you say she was the one?' I asked him.
'The one, wouldn't hate my best friends, she would support me and not leave me right before an important moment. She would be there for me when I needed her and invite me over for sleepover when I was upset and feed me piles and piles of popcorn and ice cream' he said smiling genuinely at me, while describing exactly what I had done for him.
I smiled back, 'so your basically saying I'm the one?' I added with a truthful laugh.
Jacob stumbled for words before replying to me with, 'I suppose so' with a shrug and put an arm around me.
I smiled at him, wanting this moment last for every. In those brief few minutes, I forgot Tom, Alex, my mum and dad. Everything just seemed right. Me and Jacob sat together, talking about life, trusting each other with our biggest secrets. He placed his hand on mine and I turned mine around, so we were properly holding hands. Everything seemed perfect, I knew Jacob was the one, he wasn't just some random boy I thought I liked, he was more. He was my best friend, brother and so much more to me.
I didn't care about Alexandra and neither did Jacob right then all we wanted was each other. He was there for me and I would be there for him, forever and always.
He turned round to me and quietly whispered, 'this is something I have always wanted to do...' before leaning in and kissing me.
It was sweet, I could taste the ice cream on his lips, but it was still warm and soft. I kissed back, forgetting everything that had occurred, other than this moment, it was utterly perfect. I never wanted it to end!
Soon enough we needed air so we broke off and I looked into his misty eyes and he looked into my blue grey eyes. It was perfect, we smiled and then talked about life and other stuff for the whole night.
We had always slept together, at sleepovers, not inappropriately. But this time something just different, we kind of cuddled up and it was just unusual, but nicer some how. I fell asleep with Jacob stroking my head and listening to the sound of his breathing.
Talk about perfect moments!

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