Chapter 3 ~ The dream team

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As September rolled around, new uniform was bought, nights got shorter and the sun started to fade.
It was time for me and Jacob to take on primary school. It would be a long new challenge but we were willing to face it. Together we could do anything and nothing would get in our way. Tomas would be joining us on our quest but only because he was related to Jacob, not because we actually wanted him to. It was time to take on primary.
The first day went pretty well actually, as they had blocks but this time with numbers on, to help us learn how to count, but me and Jacob already knew how to count so for us it was a breeze. We did the challenge they wanted us to do then played with the blocks like we used in nursery.
The second day they asked us to try learning to write, how stupid did they think we were? Throughout the summer, my mum had taught us both to read, write and count, so we would have a head start at school. We breezed through the writing challenges they gave us, so we could continue on to painting each other on paper and off.
On the third day, they asked us if we knew how to read, we obviously did, so we got a book and proved it to them. I think we both must of impressed them, somehow, as they looked shocked that we could do all this stuff at such a young age.
Throughout reception, the staff would go up to other years to get us more work as we would breeze through whatever they tried to teach us. We each made loads of new friends, but sticked together, as we were the dream team and needed no one else to tell us what to do, or how to do it. We were the best of friends through and through! No one could split us apart as we were 'friends forever'
End of preface

 We were the best of friends through and through! No one could split us apart as we were 'friends forever'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of prefaceMaddy:

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Friends forever? ~ Jacob SwannWhere stories live. Discover now