Chapter 7 ~ The way home

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Soon enough, the band came out and were surrounded by loads of different fans who all want an autograph or photo. Jacob spotted me behind everyone, smiling to myself about how they were surrounded. He removed himself from the group and came over to hug me, he looked as if he had been crying for some reason, so I instantly went to comfort him, in any way I could.
'She left, Maddy' Jacob started, but looked like he was on the verge of tears.
I softly said, 'Jacob smile through the pain, as soon as we get back home, sleep at mine, then you can break down. Remember she doesn't matter, but your fans do!'
He nodded and put a weak smile on his face before walking over to the others boys. Lots of the girls kept giving me weird stares, as if to say who's she, but I just ignored them.
Fans started to leave, as soon as they got an autograph and a photo, so I just had to be patient and wait. After a while, there were just a few people remaining, so Tom came over to me, as Jacob got his last few photos with people.
'How was it?' Tom asked.
'Amazing, I loved it, how exactly can you you all sing and play like that? It was fantastic!' I rambled, while he laughed at my enthusiasm.
We continued to talk till Jacob came over with Jake and Noah, I said well done to them all and said how well they had all played.
We had a small conversation, before all the adults came over, ready to take us all home. I was going back with Tomas and Jacob, Alex would of too, but I think she must have left at the start, due to what Jacob inferred. We laughed with boys and then said our goodbyes, before leaving with Rebecca. Tom winked at me, while I smiled back at him.
The car journey, wasn't that long, as we lived in London anyway, but because we were all tired, it seemed to drag on. Jacob asked if he could stay over at mine tonight, which I said my mum wouldn't mind, as she was working another night shift. So his mum, finally agreed, after a while.
Once we got back we all leaped out of the car. Jacob and Tomas, has their twin moment, before hugging and staying night to one another. Then Jacobs mum brought him his sleepover stuff out, then we went in to my house.
We went upstairs to get changed, me in my room and Jacob in the bathroom. I got changed into:

Then once Jacob was ready we went down to get some snacks like popcorn and ice cream

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Then once Jacob was ready we went down to get some snacks like popcorn and ice cream. So we could stay up late, so Jacob could tell me what happened.
Once we had got the food, we made our way up to my room and sat on my bed.
'Jacob, what happened' I asked like you would to a sensitive two year old.
So he started to explained to me the whole story...

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