Chapter 10 ~ Picnic date

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I woke up to Jacob playing with my hair, when he realised I was awake he immediately started to apologise for waking me up, because apparently he couldn't help himself, which made me laugh even more.
'To be truthful, I liked it' I told him, enjoying everything that had occurred in the last twenty four hours.
We got up and got changed into our clothes for the day. I put this on, because it was June and actually sunny in England for once:

We both went down to get breakfast together, holding hands which was weird for us, but nice at the same time

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We both went down to get breakfast together, holding hands which was weird for us, but nice at the same time. It was weird considering I'd liked Jacob for all this time and now I finally knew he liked me back and we were like an unofficial thing.
We ate breakfast, making casual chitchat, like we had done for so many years before. It was simple and nice. My mum still wasn't back, as her shift was till like eight in the morning then she would have the two hour drive home, so it gave me and Jacob loads of time to do whatever we wanted.
He asked what I wanted to do, so I replied with anything, so he suggest going to the park for a picnic, which seemed like an amazing idea, considering the weather. We packed up all the food we would need and I left a note for my mum explaining what we were doing and saying Jacob slept over last night. Then we set off.
It wasn't a long walk to the tube from my house, then at least about thirty minutes into the centre of London, near Hyde park. We spoke a lot and laughed when we saw this person start singing really off key on the tube, because he had headphones on, so couldn't tell. It was nice spending time with Jacob, like this and was still happy knowing we were more than friends.
Once we got to the park, we found a nice spot to set out our picnic and began to eat. The food was really delicious and the location was perfect, like from a movie. The sun was shining down on us, the birds chirping, people talking, kids nearby laughing and having fun; it was all just new and wow.
Soon enough, we finally finished all our food and were just relaxing in the sun, while talking, the Jacob blurted out, 'I really like you Maddy, in more than a best friend way, go out with me?'
I laughed at how nervous he sounded and how much courage he must've needed to say those four, simple words, but of course I replied with, 'I really like you too Jacob, in more than a best friend way, of course I'd be delighted too.' Smiling as he smiled at my statement.
He lent in for the kiss and I kissed him back, knowing then and there that I loved him and always would.
'Friends forever?' Jacob asked.
'Friends forever!' I confirmed.
So this is the end. I hope you all enjoyed this short, but simple story. Please message me your ideas for future projects as I have really enjoyed writing this the past few days, then if you want me to check out any of your work, let me know, as I love a new book. Thankyou for reading this ~ Maisy x
Maddy - look and inspiration based on model Kristina Primenova
Jacob is just Jacob ; )

Friends forever? ~ Jacob SwannWhere stories live. Discover now