Chapter 6 ~ The gig

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I didn't care about finding Alexandra and watching the gig with her anymore, I wanted a good spot and she wasn't anywhere to be seen, so I could either look for her or bag a good position to watch and sing along. I was going to go with the latter of the two, not because I'm selfish, but mostly because she annoyed me half the time and I wanted to actually enjoy tonight, which she had already tried to prevent somehow.
Before long, all the regular people were let in and I was pushed into the stage, by people charging to get to the front. Somehow I managed to keep my space and secured a place next to a nice girl called Holly who was here with her older sister Hannah. She was really nice and had just recently turned fourteen, when I said I was thirteen she seemed shocked for some reason. That's when I realised about the age limit, so I quickly backed it up with
'I know Jacob, so he made sure I could come. Don't think I'm some sort of criminal or something'. Adding a forced laugh.
She laughed and questioned me about him, not truly believing he was my best friend. I spoke about how he lived next door and we had met on the first day of nursery and she seemed to enjoy all the tales I told of him. She asked if we were dating and I quickly said no, but hinted I'd know first if he was, with a wink, making her assume all sorts of things.
Suddenly all the lights went off and the band made their way on stage. Everyone started screaming the names of their favourite members or just to join in. The band took their places and then they started!
The whole night was amazing, and throughout the whole thing Tom kept looking over at me and either smiling or would occasionally wink. We kept exchanging glances and I would sing along with every song. Jacob was playing right in front of me and kept looking down for me and at one point when they were having a water break he started talking to me and asked if I was having fun? Which anyone clearly could see I was.
Every song got even better and by the time they were going to play 'falling in love' the atmosphere was amazing. At the start of each song, the band member/s would explain how or why they wrote it. So when it came to 'falling in love', apparently Jacob wrote it, so he had to explain it.
He looked so confused and obviously didn't know what to say, I suspected it was about Alexandra, but when he started to say 'I wrote this song a long time ago' I became so confused. He continued by saying 'I have always wondered what it was like to be in love, what happens and why stuff go wrong in relationships all the time! A long time ago, my best friend, who is here tonight...' the crowd cheered and Holly nudged me '...taught me that the heart ache caused by wrong relationships can cause a strain on even others you love, it has a ripple of events that form from it. I knew, I wanted to find the one and treat her like a princess, I wanted to do everything right and prove I was the one for the one I loved. So far the only relationships I have ever had were either good while they lasted, or a mess of things things that ended ruining relationships. A relationship doesn't just have to be romantic, it can be a best friend or a sibling, but if you do something wrong it can effect many people. Two of my favourite relationships, that I would never want to ruin or damage are with my twin brother Tomas...' the crowd cheered and Tomas at the back look rather startled 'and with my best friend, who has put up with me for twelve years, Madeline!' Many others cheered and I blushed a lot as he looked down at me, 'I would never want to hurt either of these people as they are my truest friends and have supported me through my ups and downs. I love them both in a over protective brotherly way and would say I have fallen in love with them both, one in more than one way!' The crowd went absolutely crazy at this and as Jacob looked down at me he smiled and was blushing a lot, 'Anyway enough of my soppy reasons let's play this' he screamed along with the fans.
The whole song was my favourite overall and at the end Tom lent over to me and handed me his current guitar pick, with a smile, as a gratefully accepted it. Tonight had been an fantastic night and I never wanted it to end, I was so happy and by the time it was the last song, Forgotten Castaway, I was over the moon and shattered from singing, dancing and cheering along to everything. As the band wished everyone good night and a safe trip home, I wait to the side, so I could meet up with Jacob. Like lots of other fans waited to the side to meet their idols, but for me it was just my best friend and his other best friends.
I didn't know who wrote falling in love, so for the sake of this let's just pretend it was Jacob ~ Maisy x

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