Chapter 8 ~ What happened?

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Before the gig ~~ Jacobs pov
I'd been joking around with the boys all night, when Maddy and Alex walked in. Alex as always had gone out of her way to dress up and gone way over the top, while Maddy looked possibly even better,even though she hadn't put as much effort into her outfit. Both looked stunning but something about Maddy just made her look better.
I firstly went to hug Maddy, as she walked in first and she was my best friend. Something implied me to tell her she looked better, I wasn't going to though, but then it kind of slipped out of my mouth. I blushed and I think so did she, but I continued as if I'd never said it.
Next I hugged Alex, but said nothing before addressing them both, which Alex clearly didn't seem to like. I introduced them both to the boys, then went off with Alex. We were just casually talking and I think she expected me to kiss her, which I wasn't ready for. Maddy walked in, then Alex shouted at her for ruining the moment. Had we really been having a moment? I wasn't convinced. Maddy proceeded to apologise and wish me good luck but I ran after Alex, for some reason, total cutting her off.
When I caught up to my distressed girlfriend, she screamed at me, about I could be friends with her or Maddy, cause she was sick of me having Maddy around all the time, when she ruined everything. I didn't want to lose either of them and she screamed at me to pick. I didn't. I couldn't. So Alex screamed that she was leaving and if I wanted her so badly, I had to cut all ties with Maddy, which I wasn't going to do. I had thought Alex was the one? Had she always not gotten along with Maddy, I thought they had been friends?
When I got back to the dressing room, Maddy was also gone, had I lost them both in the space of a few minutes, I thought to myself. Tom came over and said Maddy had said good luck, but need to go to get a good space, which instantly calmed my nerves, at least she was still my friend.
As I went on stage I looked into the crowd searching for Maddy, to be reassured that I knew someone, I had a familiar face staring up at me, but I couldn't find her. I put my water bottle down and Tom nudged me, showing me Maddy, who was right at the front cheering along with the crowd. I smiled at her and she smiled back, I thought to myself, I'd pick her over Alex any day.
When it got to fallen in love, I didn't know what to say. I'd wrote it back when I wondered what true love was. It wasn't about Alexandra, I could say that for sure, but who would I say it's about? Out of anyone, it would most likely be Maddy. She has been my best friend since I can remember, I've always loved her, in multiple ways: friend, sister and even occasionally romantically I suppose. She would of been an ideal girlfriend, but I'd never want to ruin are friendship. So Alexandra came a short second.
I just said what I thought, all those cringey words about love and the one, to fill space and then spoke about Tomas and Maddy. I loved them both and I'd always promised Maddy if I got famous I'd dedicate a song to her so here it is I suppose.

Friends forever? ~ Jacob SwannWhere stories live. Discover now