Chapter 2 ~ Summer time

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In the car, on the way back home, my mother, Eleanor, explain to me that things were changing. I'd never liked change. Why was this happening?
She asked me, why I'd never told her that Jacob lives next door? He lived next door!! That meant I could see him whenever I wanted! Apparently he had lived next door to me for the last 4 years, but I'd never actually noticed because I'd never seen him. This meant throughout the Summer we would get to see each other as much as we liked and could freely go round to the others house. This was the best news I'd heard all day! She said for a whole six weeks, we wouldn't have to go to nursery and would be staying at home or going on holiday. I was sad that we wouldn't see Amanda but thrilled at the thought that at least I could still see my best friend whenever I liked.
It was the next Monday, when I first went round to Jacobs house, I noticed another boy that I recognised from nursery was there. Why would Jacob also invite round him, when they barely ever talked and when he wasn't in our squad. My mother pressed the door bell and then the door was opened by Rebecca who led me in to the house.
As soon as I got in I was crushed into a hug by Jacob, who then blushed and apologised. Me, not in the mood for apologies, shut him up by hugging him back and rambling about how much I'd missed him.
He led me upstairs to his room, which he had to share with his brother. We went in and that was when I saw that other kid again, who was he? I was sure I looked confused and I think Jacob could tell because he said 'Maddy this is my twin Tomas, Tomas this is my best friend, Maddy'. They looked nothing alike, Tomas was tall and looked older, while Jacob was small and young. I said hi, then Tomas went, saying he didn't want to be involved in our games and had better things to do, which I thought was rather rude.
Ever since that first day of summer holidays, me and Jacob met up so much more and found new things to do, that we never could of done cooped up at nursery. We had millions of water fights, that even Tomas joined in to! I think he warmed up to me as the summer went on. We played on the trampoline in their garden, made dens in the garden, went to the park as much as we could and found out about a new fruit, watermelon! The only thing about this one is we got handed in by our parents so we didn't need to figure out ways to steal it, only ways to protect it so no one else could come along and steal it like we used.
We stayed up late, had sleepovers whenever we could, went round to play at least every other day and became even closer if that was even possible.
On the third week in Jacob and his family were going on holiday to Spain. They were going for five days, which meant I would be lonely and have nothing to do. On the day they were leaving, I went over to his to say goodbye, I gave him a gigantic hug and told him 'you won't forget me will you?'. Jacob replies with 'its only for a few days Maddy and I'd never forget you! Remember we are friends forever, nothing will get in the way.' He promised to send me a postcard and then they jumped in to the taxi to the airport and I waved him off, tears dancing in my eyes.
That whole five days were awful, all I could think about was, what if Jacob found a new best friend and forgot about me? Every morning I would jump out of bed and race down stairs to see if the post man had delivered anything for me. For the first four days nothing arrived, so I was left cold and unhappy wondering what Jacob was doing now? But on the last day, the day Jacob was due to be returning home later, I saw it. It was a post card with a picture of their whole family on it in-front of a pool. On the back in scribble writing was the note from Jacob which said:

Hi Maddy,
I'm having a great time in Spain, but am missing you. How are you, what have you done while I have been away, nothing too fun I hope? You would love it here, they have unlimited amounts of watermelon and strawberries, I even asked mum if I could bring some back but she said no. I am running out of space, so mum says I need to say bye so
Byyeee Maddy love your best friend Jacob x

He hasn't forgot me! This was the best news ever, I was so happy!!
The next day, bright and early I went over to his, as they had arrived back late at night, so I'd been unable to go and see him. I knocked on the door and it was opened by Jacob who crushed me in to a nice warm hug. The whole day we sat outside and he told me about everything he saw and did while he was there. Just before I was about to go home, he brought out a small, poorly wrapped gift, just for me. I tour open the paper, to reveal a small little chain bracelet with one small palm tree charm on it. If was perfect and the thing was Jacob had a matching one! 'I love it' I told him and he beamed the smile I loved! We embraced again before my mum came round the side to call me back home. I said my good byes and said I'd see him soon which I definitely would, as we still had the rest of Summer to spend together!
The summer days went fast from that point, before long it was my turn to go on holiday to Greece and Jacob was left behind. On my return, I gave him the present I had bought which was another charm for both our bracelets. He loved it and I told him about everything I did while I was away, then how much I had missed him.
The summer continued to pass until it was time to go back to nursery, only apparently we weren't going back to nursery but going to big school?!
This would be Maddy:

 The summer continued to pass until it was time to go back to nursery, only apparently we weren't going back to nursery but going to big school?!————————————————————————This would be Maddy:

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Friends forever? ~ Jacob SwannWhere stories live. Discover now