Chapter 5 ~ Meeting the band

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With me and Jacob going to different schools I never really got to see him with Alex that much, but when I did I hated it. When we all went to the BGT semifinals, I didn't really get to see them together, but when they were together for a bit in the break, it hurt my heart for some reason?
Why would I feel this when me and Jacob are only best friends? Like shouldn't I be happy for him, after all Alexandra was the perfect match for him.
She was pretty, kind, supportive, talented at dancing and very rich. So basically perfect. I was also a dancer, but I never saw her because she went to the private studio across town. I only went to the public town one, which was much cheaper. We must of missed each other at competitions, cause I never remember bumping into her? We got along really well, if we had to, but for some reason inside of my I just seemed to hate her, but I could never seem to explain to myself why?
I remember before they went out, when Jacob was telling me how pretty and how amazing she was, that even hurt. I was happy because he trusted me enough to tell me who he liked, but it still hurt? St.Bernedes was an all girl school, so for me I never had a boyfriend or a crush, so it was nice to hear all about his experience when we had sleepovers.
The gig came along quicker than I expected, before long I was going to the gig with Tomas and Alexandra. Tomas/ Jacobs  mum was taking us three, as Jacob was already there, then we would go in and wait for the start or try and go back stage to see Jacob.
I wore this:

While Alexandra wore this:

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While Alexandra wore this:

She went full glam, while I went for jeans and a small top, talk about feeling underdressed

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She went full glam, while I went for jeans and a small top, talk about feeling underdressed. She even wore heals, while I wore my white Air Force trainers that I got for my birthday. Ehh, I can see why Jacob likes her so much, they are literally perfect together. They are both kind, talented, attractive people. Wait did I actually call Jacob attractive? I mean he is good looking, for a guy and all, but he is my best friend?
Once we arrived at the Borderline, we were taken in straight away as we had fast passes and early entry. We went in and I messaged Jacob to see what he was doing, see if we could see him to say good luck. He replied to say to go to the backstage door and just say who we were, so we'd be let in. Me and Alexandra, went up to the security guards, then she made a massive fuss about how she was here to see her Jacob, then went on to call me a fan, saying I wasn't even meant to be here.
It was quite funny actually as he said Jacob hadn't told him to let in anyone called Alexandra, so she had a mini hissy fit. I swooped in to the conversation and asked if I could go in. He asked for my name and when I said Maddy, he immediately let me in, me being the kind person I was let Alex come along. It was mainly for Jacob sake though, not because I actually liked her.
Once we went in, I was greeted by Jacob who immediately embraced me in to a warm hug. He laughed when he saw Alex's outfit compared to mine, saying how I look just as good in jeans and a top, which for some reason made me blush slightly. Alex didn't like one bit how I was getting all Jacobs attention, but waited, not wanting Jacob to see her true colours just yet.
After hugging and joking around with me he went on to embrace Alex, then did nothing more before addressing us both. He introduced us both to the boys, who were really sweet. I smiled at them all, but Tom really caught me eye. He seemed really nice and interested to get to know me.
While we all let Jacob and Alex have a moment, which yet again physically hurting my heart, Tom continued to speak to me and ended up giving me his number and said to message him. I smiled back at him saying 'of course' with a wink and then addressed all the boys their wishing them all luck, saying they will be amazing.
I went to steal Jacob of Maddy for a minute to say good luck personally, but she didn't like that and said I'd ruined whatever they had been doing, then ran off upset. I apologised to Jacob, as I hadn't intended to be rude, then said good luck, but he ran off after Maddy before I could.
Tom came over to comfort me, as I felt really bad, so instead I wished him luck personally and tried to make him smile, like I would of for Jacob. He wasn't to hard to please, as all I had to do was smile and be myself. I then had to go, before everyone was let in, as I wanted a spot right at the front to cheer on Jacob and Tom now. I asked Tom to say good luck to Jacob from me and he promised he would.

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