Chapter 4 ~ Changes

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Hi, so I'm Madeline Chandler, I live in Lewisham, London, England with my mother and my next door neighbour, Jacob Swann, is my best friend and always has been since I was two years old. I'm now thirteen but turn fourteen at the end of August so it doesn't really matter. Technically I'm just as mature as a fourteen year old, take Jacob for example, he is fourteen but acts like a annoying five year old half the time. I swear, he was even more mature then, than he is now, but I suppose stuff changes and life goes on.
I remember the simple days when we were younger and too innocent and naive to interpret the world around us. Everything was happy and we were barely upset by things. We spent every minute, of every day together and hated to leave each other's side. Now it seems like a struggle trying to find time to see each other, he is always off with his band (which by the way I love and support him with) or new girlfriend, Alexandra (which on the other hand I don't).
I suppose we started to grow apart when we went to different secondary schools, he went to Lewisham High (which was just the pubic high school), while I went to St.Bernedes High (which is a grammar school on the edge of town). We still spent as much time together as possible, as we still lived next door to each other, but obviously things weren't the same as they used be.
Then when him, Tom, Jake and Noah made the band, that took up more of his time. The summer of year 8 he spent the whole time with them, I didn't see him once and never got a letter, when I wrote him about six to see how everything was doing. I didn't mind, as I knew he was having fun, but it's still kinda depressing when your best friend can't even make time to write you a letter back.
I remember supporting him unconditionally when he went on Britain's got talent, I was so proud of him for going after his dreams, like he had always wanted to. It was a big dream of his to become famous, when he first started playing music and doing concerts in the backyard for me, we would speak for ages and tell the other are hopes and dreams. He always told me even when he's famous, he would make time for me and get me tickets for all his concerts, then dedicate songs to me, as I would always be his best friend. But now it just seemed like all those reassuring words were lies and had no truth behind them, I realised all that now.
When they got kicked out of the show at the semi-finals, I was heartbroken for him. I had gone to the show, as Jacob managed to get me, Tomas and Alexandra tickets. They played amazingly and should of gotten though, but that night, luck was unfortunately not in their favour!
The band continued to grow, so I continued to support him in every way I could. When he announced the borderline gig, I was so excited to go! Jacob brought tickets round as soon as he came home and asked if I'd go with him, Alex and Tomas! I said yes even though I hated Alexandra and wasn't really close with Tomas, but best friends do stuff for best friends, so I was obviously going to go!

 When he announced the borderline gig, I was so excited to go! Jacob brought tickets round as soon as he came home and asked if I'd go with him, Alex and Tomas! I said yes even though I hated Alexandra and wasn't really close with Tomas, but best ...

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