chapter 8.

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~.*. 1044 words .*.~

a/n: this chapter is such a mess y'all i'm so sorry💀.

y/n POV, 6:00 pm, Northview Highschool, Atlanta

it was now the evening and the cast were now shooting the school scenes. you had only ever seen america high schools in movies so it was fun too see one in real life. you, tom, jacob and daya had just got done finishing a scene in a lunch room. tony appeared briefly too.

"and cut!" jon yelled "thank you everyone for today, we'll go over today's footage and let everyone know if we need to do a reshoot, that's all!". the set erupted with chatter as soon as jon was finished with speaking.

"you did great, y/n" tom said from behind you. you could see he was leaned up against a nearby wall trying to be smooth. he was now in his 'peter parker' clothes.

"thanks tom" you smiled and put a hand on his bicep, and traced down his arm with a finger. you could feel how muscular his arms were through his shirt. both of your eyes followed the line you drew. he cleared his throat and clenched his jaw, you could tell this was driving him crazy. pulling away your hand, you heard footsteps behind you.

"hey love birds. we were all going to go to dinner, do you guys wanna come?" Zendaya said.

Jacob quickly piped up, "unless you two wanna go back to the hotel and do something else?..."

"Jacob! and yes zendaya i'd be glad to. Tom?"

"yeah sure, why not" he smiled at you, "i just need to go back to wardrobe and change my clothes"

"okay cool, we'll wait here, haz is just in the toilet" Zendaya replied.

"sounds good! i'll see you lot in a minute" tom ran off, winking at you.
you heard jacob and Zen making "ooooo" noises.

ten minutes later.

Harrison had now joined you, Z and Jacob, you were just waiting for the last one of the group.

"hey guys!" you were greeted with an out of breath tom.

"out of breath are we" you chuckled.

"yeah, i didn't want to hold you guys up any longer" he laughed. "you guys ready?".

"yeah, let's go" the group said collectively.

you all walked to the restaurant, tom by your side, you two were walking in front of everyone. general conversation was being made between the two of you, about where you grew up et cetera. damn, if everyone else wasn't here this would be a date. while you two were walking, tom put his arm around your waist, slightly caressing the side of it with his thumb. this made you shiver. you looked up at him and he looked down at you, you both smiled.

that smile. that damn smile.

as you approached the entrance of the restaurant, tom took his hand from around your waist. you wanted him to keep it there but you didn't say anything.

"table for 5?" the waitress asked. we all nodded in unison. she led us towards a round booth. zendaya, jacob and harrison looked at each other, and pushed tom and i together causing us too sit next to one another in the incredibly tight booth. you knew what they were doing, but you didn't care.

the waitress came over and took your orders and went away once she had finished. everybody was laughing and making great conversation, although tom was being extra flirty with you. you didn't know where this abundance of confidence had come from because as of this morning, he didn't even know how to act around you. all of a sudden, you felt a slight rubbing against your leg, you looked over at tom, and he raised an eyebrow, looking at you from the corner of his eye.
this had been occurring all evening, you and him flirting silently back and forth, to see who could top the other. it was just after everyone had finished their food that you had made the last move. the waitress had collected everyone's plates and tom had just started to whisper in your ear, which he knew drove you crazy. you couldn't let him win so you pulled out the big guns. you slipped your hand onto his inner thigh tracing circles, making him jump slightly. everyone noticed.

"you alright, tom?" harrison laughed, looking at daya and jacob who were also laughing.

"yeah. i'm fine." he said taking deep breaths in between words. you were still tracing the inner part of his thigh. he was clenching his jaw. "y/n, can i talk to you outside for a minute?" he grabbed you by the hand and pulled you through the sea of tables and out the door. the others were just as confused as you were.

"tom, where are we-" you were cut off by tom pushing you into the wall outside the restaurant. it was forceful but gentle, as if he didn't want to hurt you. you were about to ask what the fuck was going on but you were stopped by tom lifting up your face by your jaw and kissing you deeply, passionately. it lasted for about twenty seconds until you both had to pull away for air.

"sorry, i had to. and i couldn't of if we were in front of everyone. i'm so sorry that was way too forward i'm really sor-" you put a finger to his lips.

"it's fine" you smiled at him and were about to go in for another kiss but as you were both leaning in, you both heard a noise and saw a flash of light.


"tom what was that?" you peaked around his torso, as he was still in front of you.

"i'm not sure. it sounded like a camera. we should go inside." you both found your way back to the booth.

"you guys have fun" jacob wiggled his eye brows at the two of you.

"you could say that" tom smirked.
you just giggled.

everyone paid their part of the bill and called a cab back to the hotel.

that was eventful. i didn't realise tom would be so forward. you blushed at the thought of the kiss. i wonder what the flash was about, i mean of course it was a camera. but it could've been anyone... right?

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