chapter 7.

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~.*. 973 words .*.~

a/n: hey! i've decided to use 'you' instead of 'i' because it's easier. enjoy!

y/n POV, 7:00am, Marvel Studios, Atlanta

you and zendaya made your way into the meeting, showing the security staff your passes. you both took a seat next to each other waiting for everyone else to arrive. you leaned over and whispered to Zen,
"hey where's laura and robert?"

"oh they aren't in the second movie, they were just there yesterday because they're apart of the family." she explained.

"oh right, gotcha"

you were reading over your schedule when all of a sudden you heard laughing coming from the hallway. tom. him and harrison took a seat on the chairs across from you. both of the boys had stopped laughing and it switched to whispering. you could feel someone staring at you. you just knew it was tom. you turned your head towards him, giving him a  flirtatious little wave, then running your thumb across your bottom lip.
he waved back, biting his bottom lip. he had gone red. it was evident you had him wrapped around your little finger. you had noticed a few other people had sat round the table, jake gyllenhaal, marisa tomei, jon favreau and tony revolori, who you hadn't met yet. jacob was also there, you two exchanged looks and smiled at each other. a man had walked in and stood at the head of the table.

"hello everyone" the room fell quiet, "i'm jon, jon watts. i'm going to be the director on this project" everybody clapped "thank you, now, i would like to go over every bodies schedules and our filming locations et cetera." everyone nodded in unison. "okay so let's get started."

the meeting went on for an hour or so, you and tom would occasionally catch each other's eyes and smile at each other. the meeting was coming to a close as jon said to the cast,

"that concludes today's meeting, now i'm going to need tom, marisa and jon on set to shoot the first scene. everyone else, your schedules speak for themselves, please stay on sight as we will need later on in the day. let's go and make a movie!" everybody started up conversation again leaving the room. you and Zendaya stood outside the room talking as you saw tom and harrison heading towards set. you and holland met eyes.

"hey tom" you looked him up and down smirking. he went red again.

"h-hey y/n, how are you" he said smiling.

"i'm good, especially after yesterday" zen and haz looked at stifling laughter, you didn't care.

"oh uh, same" he was scratching the back of his neck, you could tell this was a nervous tick. "hey i was thinking, do you and Z wanna come to set with me and Haz? i know haz could use some company and its better than sitting in a trailer for 6 hours"

you looked at zen and she nodded in agreement "yeah i don't see why not" you smiled.

tom seemed ecstatic "great! i mean- yeah cool, i need to get into wardrobe to get the spidey suit on, but haz can take you to set."

"yeah sure, follow me." harrison waved you and zen after him.

"bye tom" you waved and he did the same.

we had just arrived on set, haz and zendaya were whispering to each other and giggling.

"is there something you guys aren't telling me?"

they both turned around and started giggling.


"you and tom" harrison smirked.

"what about me and tom" you only just managed to keep a straight face.

zendaya chimed in "oh please y/n, we saw what happened last night, you know we saw, and we could practically FEEL the sexual tension in the air."

you were immediately flustered "yeah and?"

"i'm surprised you two didn't do the dead last night" harrison chuckled sending him and Zen into a laughing fit.

once they calmed down, you said, "guys you can relax i don't even thinks he likes me like that, i was flirting with him today and he was taking zero notice."

haz looked at me "y/n look. tom is a huge dork, so he won't flirt back or anything. you see when he was getting really embarrassed earlier?"


"he gets like that when he's around a girl he likes, and especially because you're so pretty and so confident, he doesn't know how to act around you, i've never seen him this nervous. me and Z were talking to him last night, and it's not my place to say anything, but just give him time and he'll ease into you." Harrison was looking at me reassuringly.

"okay" you smiled at both him and Zendaya.

just as if on cue, tom ran up to you. he was in the spiderman suit. you couldn't help but notice that the suit fit so perfectly around his arms and his chest. you couldn't help stare.

"hey guys. like what you see y/n?" he said smirking.

you were snapped from your thoughts. "sorry? oh hey tom."
zen and haz looked over at each other.

"holland on set!" jon shouted from his chair.

"i've gotta go, i'll see you later" he flashed a dorky smile and ran off. that smile, that damn smile.

you watched him run onto set, he was getting into position and he glanced over at you and gave you a wink. you smiled in return.

"spiderman: far from home, scene one, take one, action!"

a/n: hey! as i'm writing this it's 2:11am, i'm pretty sure i have severe insomnia but this is when i'm most inspired too write so there's an up side! this book is a mess but we move! it gets better i promise!
see you on the flip side-

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