chapter 10.

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~.*. 739 words .*.~

~5 days later~

y/n POV, Atlanta International Airport, terminal 4, Atlanta.

it's been five days since the kiss and not much has changed. tom is still awkward, but you do occasionally catch each other's eye on set. the cast and crew had finished filming in atlanta and were now on your way too new york. everyone had been through security and bag check so you were now waiting for the gate to open. you and zendaya were sharing a set of earphones while tom, harrison, jacob and tony were all laughing and messing around.

"flight to new york, JFK, is now boarding"

everyone picked up their carry ons and made their way over to the jet.

"hey y/n" harrison jogged up behind you.

"hey, what's up?"

"are you gonna sit next to tom on the plane" he says making kissy noises, zendaya joins in too.

you reply, quiet enough to be a whisper, but loud enough that they could hear, "i mean i wouldn't mind"

"wait really" harrison had a huge grin across his face, he looked over at the Zen, they looked as if they were plotting something. "well isn't that just perfect".

"wait guys what-" you didn't get to finish because they had ran towards the jet.

you and everybody were boarding, and just as you went to sit next to Daya, Harrison stole the seat from under you.

"sorry, too slow" he grinned and high fives Zen.

"fine" you went to sit next jacob but tony did the same as haz.

"whoops" he grinned the grin as harrison, everyone looked so happy with themselves. there was an empty seat next to tom, and you didn't want to sit alone so you walked towards him.

"is this seat taken?" you point to the chair.

"no, please, sit" he moved his bag from the spot. you sat down next to him and the jet began to take off.

~30 minutes later~

the plane was now fully air borne and everyone was either passed out or listening to music. you and tom hadn't spoken, only the occasional smile when you caught each other's eye. but eventually he spoke up,

"so i guess we should talk about what happened the other day outside the restaurant" you nodded, he carried on "i just wanted to say i'm really sorry for getting us caught on camera, i should've been more careful." he was now looking down into his lap and looked genuinely upset.

"tom don't you dare apologise." he looked confused, "there is nothing you could've done about that, it was completely out of our control. so don't be sorry, okay?" you smiled and he pulled you into a hug. he pulled away and said,

"that's not all i wanted to talk about, y/n" you nodded, "what did it mean?" he asked. you were confused.

"what do you mean, what did it mean?" you cocked your head to the side.

"the kiss, the kisses even, all three of them. i've known you for a week and i've already kissed you three times, we aren't even dating, and the flirting, what's that as well? it's all moving really fast and this isn't like me, i'm not typically smooth with girls, as you can probably tell, and..." he started to trail off "i haven't even taken you on a date yet, i feel a connection towards you y/n. and i'd be lying if i said i didn't, but i'm so confused. i don't want to hurt you, and i don't want to get hurt if you don't feel the same way" he stared into your eyes for a minute, begging for an answer,

"tom, of course i feel the same way, and i do agree that this is moving fast. the kisses and the flirting, i think that we can both agree that was spur of the moment and was completely out of character for me and you. i want to try this, this thing we have between us. and as for the date. that's all you spiderman" you say grinning back, his eyes lit up at everything you had just said. "you're a good guy holland" you kissed him on the cheek, nuzzled your head into his shoulder and closed your eyes.

a/n: hey guys, this is probably my favourite chapter so far, i hope this made up for the last two😭. i'll update very very soon,

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