chapter 5.

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~.*. 759 words .*.~

a/n: hey! just saying that I'm going to be using your actual pov this part, as in 'I' instead of 'you'. it might change back in he next chapter but we'll see. enjoy! p.s, I know Robert and Laura aren't in FFF but they're apart of the family so I decided to include them💖.

y/n POV, 8:45pm, 711 parking lot, Atlanta

tom and I stared at each other for a few seconds before putting on our seat belts. he started the car and peeled out of the parking lot and towards the hotel. it was silent. but not uncomfortable. it was peaceful. on the outside I was composed, on the inside my stomach was doing this backflip thing that I couldn't control, my heart might as well have been beating out of my chest it was thumping so hard. we pulled up in front of the hotel, and got out of the car. the walk through the lobby was also silent. thank god there was no more paparazzi. we both walked towards the elevator, once inside, pressing floor two. the ride up, you guessed it, still quiet.

tom and I stepped out of the elevator walking towards our rooms.

"this is me." I say stopping outside my room.

"goodnight, y/n, I'll see you tomorrow." tom says waving, walking down the corridor.

"goodnight!" I look over at him for a second. "tom wait!" he stops at the sound of my voice.

"yeah?" he turns around.

"you forgot something."

"what did I forget?" he looked confused.

I jogged towards him. I pull him by his collar and kiss him softly on the lips. I pull away and look into his eyes for a second. I whisper into his ear,

"see you tomorrow." I smile, and before he can even say anything I'm jogging back down to my room. I put the key card in the door, and before going in , I look back at tom, still stood there in awe. I give him a wink, and disappear off into my room for the night.

tom POV, 9:10pm, Mariott Hotel, Atlanta

"see you tomorrow" she whispered in my ear. fuck. she smiled at me and before I could say anything, she was jogging back down to her room. I was glued to the floor, I couldn't wrap my head around what had just happened. all that I knew is that I liked it. she winked at me and then stepped into her room.

I had been focusing on y/n for so long, I hadn't noticed Haz, Zen and Jacob at the end of the corridor. they all stood there, wide eyes and gaping mouths. they all ran up to me and rushed me inside the room.

they all stood inside the room staring at me.

"what?" I say looking at them.

Zen puts her hand on one hip, "so are you gonna explain what that was? or no?"

"oh! right." Zen, Harrison and Jacob sat on the bed while I explained to them what went on.

"and then she was all like 'sEe YoU tOmOrRoW', and ran off, the kiss was really good, BOTH of the kisses were really good. but what does this mean? do I talk to her? do I ignore it? do I confront her about it? do I-" Zendaya cuts me off.

"okay I'm gonna stop you right there lover boy because you're spiralling. one, stop pacing, your making me ill."

"sorry." I sit in a desk chair across from them.

"two, if you opened your eyes, you can see clearly that this girl is into you. shes hilarious, kind , clearly talented since she landed the role she got on the movie, and damn she's hot, I'm straight and I'm saying that, damn. you cannot screw this up spiderling."

Haz chimed in, "Zen's right, and you can't deny it you two had an instant connection when you bumped into each other the first time. and you two were sat in the corner the whole time laughing and drinking juice boxes. where else are you gonna find a girl like that. nowhere."

Jacob joined in "go for it tom, if you don't then you'll be too late, then you'll regret it. she's gonna be some big deal Hollywood actress soon and there are gonna be guys all over her. go for it."

you thought for a minute.

"well?" Zen questioned.

"okay. I'll do it."

a/n: soooo? what do you think? it's currently 3:38am while I'm writing this. I'm wide awake. hope you liked it.

see you on the flip side-


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