🐼 •Felix Kissing you•

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🌾 No NSFW you dirty dogs 😏

You and Felix have been together for about 3 months now, but you guys love showing off to the others. They don't get jealous they're very happy about your happiness together.

One day you felt very needy and tried to find Felix, but you couldn't find him. You looked in the living room, kitchen, backyard and nothing.


Nothing but silence.



"God, does he only respond to baby?"

You stomp your way to your guys room and find him chilling on the bed watching SpongeBob (don't judge him).

"We're you looking for me or something?"

He says with a smirk on his face.

"No...may be..no.."

He opens his arms already knowing the reason you needed to find him. You crawl into his arms and lay your head on his chest.

"Why do you love me?"


You were so confused on why he would ask this question.

"I mean, you had so many other boys to choose from and you chose me, why?"

"Well, I love your freckles, and I love your accent annnddddddddddddd"


"And I love your voice"

"Because it's so deep?"


"Anything else?"



"I'm kidding, you're an amazing person Felix. I love you so much"

Felix grabs the back of your head and smashes his lips to yours. He pushes away from you after a couple of seconds.

"W-why did you that?"

"Because I love you"

"I..love you too"

You guys spend the rest of the day with you laying on his chest and him playing with your hair while watching SpongeBob. (SpongeBob is fricken rad)

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