🐼 •St.Van Helps You On Homework•

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🏵️ ✌️😗 this is for you ronni

"Hey baaabbbyyy I got you some of your favorite food and your favorite movie and we're gonna cuddle and-..... baby?"

St.Van looks at you. You were sitting at your desk while tears run down your face. You were struggling on some homework your teacher assigned to you but you hardly understood it.

"W-why are you crying?"

You didn't answer him. If you told him what's wrong it will only make you cry harder so you kept quiet.

St.Van walks to the bed and lays the stuff down to only walk towards you. He stands next to you and opens his arms. You slam your pencil down and hug him tightly. He could see the struggle in your worksheet and could feel the stress on you while hugging him.

"Do you not understand the work?"


You nod in his white shirt.

"Baby, why didn't you just tell me? I can always help you"

He lets go of you and kneels down to look at your face.

"Hey... I'm here okay? Take deeps breaths and calm down. We're gonna do this. You can do this I believe in you"

You wipe your tears and smile lightly at him.

"Okay...so how about we do this together and we can eat and watch a movie then cuddle...how about it?"

You hum indicating a yes. He pulls a chair next to you and you both work on the homework together.

When you both finish you tightly hug him and thank him a thousand times.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you"

"Aww baby.... That's what boyfriends are for"

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