🐼 Jong ho kissing you

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🦊 Nothing inappropriate for this child..even though he does grind on the ground at times- okay never mind..


You guys were arguing..well.. mostly you were yelling at him..over really nothing important..you were saying "you need to learn how to pick your clothes up and not leave them of the floor!!".

Jong ho on the other hand was just chilling..he knows what he's doing wrong and he tries to stop it but his habit just keeps on coming back..so with him knowing that it wasn't a big deal he just listened to you quietly while having his hands in his pocket..(by the way here wearing all black, black Tee shirt, black pants with a chain on the side).

Jong ho was just muting you at this point..he was just dozing off and staring at the walls and pictures on the wall.. until he looked back at you to see if you're done..he sees you not yelling at him..but you yelling at yourself..

He saw you crying and tears rolling off your cheeks while he heard you blaming yourself about how bad she is of a girlfriend and how much she wished she shouldn't have yelled at you..

Jong ho grabs the back of your head and smashes your lips with his..he kissed your softly letting you calm down..he pulls back and wipes your tears in the process..

"Baby, don't blame yourself ever"


"No buts..you know I hate seeing you cry"

"...I know"

"Now you know what I want you to do?"


"Go to the couch..lay down and we can cuddle okay?"


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