🐼 •Chan Helps You When You're Scared•

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🐩 Spoopy timez are here...well.... it's almost Thanksgiving and like JUST GI WITH IT!!!

You were sitting on the bathroom floor, terrified. You heard a sound in the bathroom so you got freaked out. You didn't want to leave, scared of what might happen if you left.

You suddenly hear a knock on the door, making you squeal.

"Baby? It's me chan"


You exhale as you were relieved it was only your boyfriend chan. You stand up for literally 2 seconds when you hear a sound in the bathroom making you squeal again and sit back down on the floor.

"Baby what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I.....I guess but... I'm scared"

"Scared of what? The toilet? Do you want me to hold your hand or-"


"Then what's wrong babygirl?"

"I....I heard something in the bathroom and...and it scared me.."

"Can you open the door please?"

"I guess"

You slowly stand up and walk towards the door. You unlock it and open the door. You are suddenly wrapped in a big bear hug. You can feel chan wrapping his arms around you tightly. Like he's protecting you.

"It's okay babygirl... I'm here okay?"

You nod


Chan let's go of you

"Let's find out where this sound is coming from"

You both search. When suddenly chan calls you over to the bathtub.

".....it was a mouse.."


"Chill girl... I'll take it out okay?"

"......okay.......burn it"

"What did you say?"


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