🐼 •Jimin taking care of you•

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🌡️Welp you're sick now so enjoy it.

You're laying in bed, with the covers to your mouth and you just being in a blanket burrito. This was probably the worse feeling you've ever had. Being on your period and being sick is the top worst feeling.

You suddenly have a cramp making you grip your stomach and breathing really heavily.


You felt like throwing up. You felt like punching someone. You felt like throwing something. But you couldn't. You didn't have the strength to even get out of the bed at the moment.

Suddenly the door opens and jimin walks into the room. He walks in with a bag of your favorite fast food, your favorite drink, a box of pads/tampons (idk what you want) and finishing off with his eye smile and a sweet "heellooo" while walking in.

"Hi baby, you feeling any better"

He instantly made you calm and at ease.

"I feel...a little better now that you're here"

"It's my job baby. Now how about we watch your favorite movie, eat the food, and cuddle. You can hug me as tight as you want too"



"I love you so much"

"I love you to baby"

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