🐼 •A Fighting Night• (San and Hongjoong)

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💫 Hongjoong is my bias btw ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"I better get going now"

You say while putting your shoes on. You spent a whole day with hongjoong and San since the others were on a trip. It was time for you to go because you knew your parents would be worried if you weren't home by 10.

"Noooooooo whhhyyyyyy?????"

San says in a childish tone.

"Because San my parents will worry about me if I don't go now"

You reach for the doorknob to leave when suddenly a hand if gripped onto your wrist firmly. You look next to you to see hongjoong. He holds your hand away from the doorknob and kisses the top of your hand.

"Just tell them you want to spend the night...please? For us?"

They both give you puppy dog eyes. You groan loudly and take out your phone.


They both cheer and hug eachother while jumping. They were practically 2nd graders.

You smile a little and dial your dad's number. You put the phone to your ear and wait for her to answer.


"Hey dad uh....is it okay if I stay for the night? With San and hongjoong?"


"ㅇㅅㅇ O-oh...okay"

In the background you can hear your mom's voice.

"Honey just let her stay... she'll be fine"

"Ugh......I..I guess you can stay for the night BUT JUST THIS ONCE"

"Thanks Dad!!!"

You hang up and face the energetic boys.

"My partner said yes but this is the only time-"

They cut you off with a surprise hug.

When night had come you put on a pair of hongjoongs clothes. They were a little baggy but you didn't mind. You laid on the couch and was trying to hey comfortable when San suddenly appeared in the living room.

"What are you doing?"

San asks you.

"I'm sleeping...well...sorta"

"Why on the couch?"

"Well I don't want to disturb you and hongjoong so I'll just be sleepy here+"

"No no no you're sleeping in our room.. me and hongjoong share a room anyway so you can sleep in our bed"


You get up and walk behind San to his and hongjoongs room. You see hongjoong already laying in the bed with a phone in his hand. Once you walked in and he looks at your his face lights up.

"Welcome to pillow world Y/N"

Hongjoong says in a enthusiastic tone.

"Pillow world is really lacking some pillows"

You say while sitting on the edge of the bed

"I had to take them out because San was just having his own collection of them so we took them out...but we still call it pillow world because pillows are amazing"

Hongjoong says with a smirk on his face the whole time.

San grabs your wrists suddenly and pushes you down on the bed and laying on top of you with his arms trapping you under him.

"Now how about we go to sleep. We promised your parents to keep you safe and that's what we're going to do"

You push him off of you and lay down next to hongjoong. San gets ready for bed and lays down next to you so you're in the middle of the two boys. Hongjoong on your left and San on your right.

You all fall asleep soon after.

In the middle of the night you were having a bad dream. You move to the closest body and that was San. You stuffed your face in his chest and San wraps a atm around you. You feel another arm around you. It was hongjoong.

You soon felt a little bit of tugging. That's when you knew that they were fighting over you. They were fighting over who will hold you. That's when you felt a pair of hands hold you softly and place you on top of some..well...more like two people. Hongjoong had placed you in top of both of them so they can share you equally. But you didn't mind. You loved this actually. You felt both of their warmth are the same time. You just kept your arms to yourself like a baby while the boys did the work. They had wrapped their arms around you and did the same with their legs. They wrapped their legs with yours. You soon felt a kiss on your forehead. You didn't care to even open your eyes. You didn't care to know who kissed you. You felt safe and that's all that mattered to you. You soon feel asleep once again in their grasp. Making sure your breath matched theirs.

"Goodnight Y/N"

"Good night babygirl"

"Good night babygirl"

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