🐼 •Ateez Helping You All Together•

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🦁 Lowkey love these men with all of my heart.....just lowkey... highkey

You were sitting in your room. Your knees to your chest. Tears falling down your cheeks. You sniffled... everytime you thought about him it made you cry even more.

You had recently gotten rejected by a boy you liked. You have gotten rejected many times but you really liked this guy...he was different in your eyes..but clearly he wasn't...

You heard a knock on your door. You look up to it.

"Come in"

You say in a defeated tone.

You see San and yunho peak around the door.

"Heeyyyyyy....uhhh...were all here it isn't just the two of us"

San says.

"I'm not surprised...you can come in"

They all walk in. Some sit on your bed with you and some stand in front of you but they still keep a good distance from you to make you feel comfortable.

"We heard what happened"

Mingi says while scratching the back of his neck.

I put my head back into my knees to cry some more after being reminded of what happened.

"Hey hey hey!!"

Hongjoong grabs my shoulders. He forces my face to look at him. The others were staring at mingi with hate because he made me cry again.

Hongjoong wipes my tears from my face and smiles softly.

"Listen to me okay....he doesn't deserve you... you're to good for him"

Hongjoong says in a stern but soft voice.

"Yeah..you deserve the greatest man in the world..you deserve the best cause you are the best"

Yeosang says while taking your hand.

"And we're gonna make sure you have the best...cause we care about you and we love you"

Wooyoung says while patting your head.

"Now how about we stop all this crying jazz and we think and talk about the good things"

Jongho says while fixing my hair.

"Really...like what?"

I say in a defeated tone.

"Like how beautiful you are"

Seonghwa says while placing a hand on my cheek.

"You're the best thing that has happened to us...and we're so happy to have you in our lives...now don't let this random dude bring you down...he doesn't know what he's missing"

San says while hugging me.

"Hey...uh...sorry for making you cry again...I didn't mean to hehe"

Mingi says awkwardly.

You smile softly at him.

"I forgive you Mingi"

"Thank you"

Mingi kisses your forehead.

"Well give you some space for you to breath...now get some rest... we'll make you some dinner for when you wake up"

Hongjoong says while rubbing the top of my hands with his thumb.

Soon they all leave. Leaving me in my quiet room. I smile to myself...they were right...I shouldn't be crying over a boy...may be he was just not the one...but..at least I have people who care about me most of all.

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