🐼 •Hongjoongs Patient•

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🍍Me and Ronni got the brilliant idea to make a doctor scenario so..here we are...with the scenario... I'll go

You were laying on your couch. Your body feeling cold even though you had like 3 blankets on your body. Your nose was stuffy and your throat was suffering. Hongjoong didn't know about your state until he came into your room.

"Baby I was wondering if-.....what is happening?"


Hongjoong rushes to you with a worried expression on his face. He feels your forehead.

"Oh my god baby you're burning up"

You could hardly say anything. Your throat was in so much pain.

Hongjoong immediately gets some medicine for you and water. He sits on the floor next to your head so he could make sure you were okay. He turns on the T.V go your favorite show.

*Sniff* "hongjoong...."

"Yes baby?"

"Thank...thank you..."

"Aww... I'm here for you baby you'll be okay"

"My throat hurts so much tho"

"I know baby I know it'll be a little better tommorow...just get some rest.. your body needs to fight this sickness"

You do as he says and close your eyes. You feel hongjoong run your head with his hand to calm you down.

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