🐼 •Holding Hands With Taemin•

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🍨 Taemin is a one smoking hot, juicy, scrumptious, beautiful, talented man.

You and Taemin were taking a walk in the city. You and him didn't really have anything planned but you both went into some stores and got some random crap that you didn't really need.

"Hey Taemin, look at thi-"

You turn around and didn't see him behind you. You start to look around and search for him but had no luck. You started to panic, tears start to form in your eyes.

Suddenly the store got packed with people. You started to get claustrophobic and tears start to run down your cheeks.

You feel another hand clasping into yours, you look up to see taemin. He runs you out if the store.

"Baby, why are you crying?"

"I couldn't find you..I..I was scared"

"I'm so sorry baby, I was looking at something..I shouldn't have left you"

He hugs you immediately, running his fingers through your hair, letting you calm down.

"From now on, I won't let go of your hand"

You smile at his comment.

"You know why?"


"Because I love you"

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