🐼 •Hair Stylist Kevin•

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🐮 Doesn't his hair look good tho like daaannnggggg maaaaannnnn

You stare at the mirror messing with your hair. After you had a fight with your friend you were just a crying mess. You were just not yourself. You look in the mirror to see your swollen red eyes and your messy hair.

You told Kevin what happened. He said he was on his way home and that he was 20 minutes away.

20 minutes passed and you here the door open to reveal Kevin.

Kevin runs towards you and wraps his arms around you.

"Honey everything will be okay"

You wrapped your arms around him and breakdown in his white shirt.

After 2 minutes of this you finally collected yourself. Kevin holds your puffy cheeks and smiles softly.

"How about we fix your hair"

You nod.

You both walk into the bathroom. Kevin motions you to stand still and he grabs all the things to fix your hair.

After 10 minutes he was done. You looked in the mirror to see yourself. You saw your face had dialed down. Your eyes weren't as red and your eyes weren't as swollen.

"See...look at how beautiful you are..."

You were so impressed with how he did your hair. It was... perfect.

"You're beautiful honey.... I'm here for you....I can help you through anything"

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