Chapter 1

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The love story of Karlheinz and Zelda was greater than any. Zelda was Queen of the Gods and Goddesses while Karlheinz was King of Demons. They were polar opposites as Zelda was born kind and loving. Her lover was the King of Darkness with a firm resting face always worn on his face. He never loved anyone except his children until he met Zelda. He  would cast away his first 3 wives just to marry her. His wives had no idea that he married another woman and thought he was merely away for another meeting. Zelda was everything his 3 wives weren't:kind, loving, funny. She spent her days walking around their castle together laughing and smiling the day away. She was always so kind and loving to the staff inside the castle. Zelda never expected to fall in love with her enemy but his coldness was one of the things that attracted her to him. She didn't care about anything as long as she was with him. She loved him with all of her heart and nothing could ever change that. Zelda was blonde haired with fair skin and red eyes with a red birthmark from her home country Hyrule.

Months passed

Karlheinz finally told Zelda that he was married 3 times and has 6 sons. When Zelda first heard she was upset that he lied but understood the predicament he was in. She was going to tell him she was pregnant but decided not to until she met his wives. Karlheinz then sent word he was coming home with a surprise in store for the family. A week later they were on their way to the Sakamaki mansion. "Darling you never told me much about your wives." Zelda said as they were in the limo. "Well there's not much to say my love, their names are Cordelia, Beatrix, and Christa. They have different colored hair but I'll show you them when we get there. OK my love?" said Karlheinz. Zelda simply nodded as they arrived at the front of the house. Zelda could clearly see 3 beautiful women and 6 young boys standing in front. Karlheinz came out first with his normal resting face on. Zelda was standing behind him

"Karl~ I've missed you my love." a woman with purple hair came running up to Karlheinz and Zelda could see the annoyance on Karl's face. He pushed her off of him and that's when she turned to Zelda and asked. " Whose this Karl?" The venom in her voice was purposely aimed at Zelda as Cordelia looked her up and down. "This is Zelda my fourth wife and the kids new mother." Karl explained. Cordelia looked shocked as the other two women looked at her and smiled as if they were accepting her. "Karl, another one I thought i was the only one you loved." Cordelia cried out her face full of tears. Karlheinz ignored her and held Zelda by the waist and walked away from Cordelia. "These are my other wives, Beatrix is the blonde one and my second wife, Christa is the one with reddish white hair and is my third wife, the one crying her eyes out is Cordelia my first wife." Zelda nodded and smiled then hugged Beatrix and Christa. She then made her way to the 6 boys standing on the side. Karlheinz quickly told them to introduce themselves to their new mother. " My name is Shu and I'm the eldest son, nice to meet you." the little boy with orangish blonde hair said. " My name is Reiji and I am the second son." the boy with dark black hair and glasses said. "We are the triplets and our names are Laito, Ayato and Kanato. We are the 3rd, 4th, and 5th sons." said the 3 boys 2 with beautiful red hair and the other one with purple hair. Finally Zelda turned to the boy who looked the most like her husband. "M-my name is Subaru and I'm the 6th and last son." Zelda smiled at all of them before hugging them all. The boys eyes widened in shock as they had never received love from their mothers before and this woman standing before them seemed so much more loving and kind than any of their mothers. "My name is Zelda and I guess that makes me your new mother. I'm pleased to have 6 beautiful boys to look over and love with all my heart." Zelda placed a kiss on each of her sons heads and then told them to go play while she and their father go acquainted with their other mothers. The boys ran off while the adults walked inside into Karl's study.

(A/n) Shu is 6, Reiji is 5, the triplets are 4 and Subaru is 3)

Zelda's P.O.V

Karl held onto me as we walked to his study. He closed the doors and guided me towards his seat. "I gathered you all here because as you know since I have a new wife we must hold a celebration ball." Karl said. I just nodded my head. "Also Zelda's coronation for her as my Queen will be held in 2 weeks right here. She will be crowned by the unholy Pope." Karl continued to talk and make plans while I started to space out. I didn't know how to tell him I was pregnant. I felt eyes burning holes at me so I turned and saw Cordelia glaring at me. After a while Karl had finished speaking and we left the study to go to our bedroom. Karl kept a protective hold on my waist as we walked up the stairs. Before we got to our room Cordelia called out to Karlheinz." Karl~ My love do you think it's possible if you can sleep in my chambers this evening?" This bitch really thought that my husband wanted to sleep with her while he's clearly disgusted by her. "Cordelia stop. I don't want to hear it, please leave me and Zelda alone." Karl retorted and then opened our door and slammed it into Cordelia's face. Karl and I talked to how he married Cordelia because he needed to or else he wouldn't be King. Karl assured me he doesn't love anyone except me. "Karl, do you like having children?" I asked because I wanted to make sure he wouldn't be angry at me when I told him the news. "Well, I suppose I do, I mean they can be annoying but I do love them deep down." My heart fluttered at the sweet memories he has had with his boys. Their first steps, the triplets biting him, the messes they caused.

It made me smile seeing how much Karl truly did care about them even though he is so strict with them. I decided to tell him because it's better to tell him now then him finding out himself. " Karl, my love, I have a question." "Yes my love, what is it?" I took a deep breath in and out before I asked "What would you think if I told you we might have another child running around here?" In that moment I had never seem Karl ever be so expressionless.

(A/n The picture up top is what Zelda looks like. I know it's not the same as Zelda from Legend of Zelda but she looks like that in this story.)

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