Chapter Nine: Shu...

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3rd Person P.O.V

Hylia woke up feeling trapped between something, she opened her eyes and found her face buried in red hair. She realized it was Mikoto and relaxed for a second before she realized she couldn't get out of his grip. She reached for her phone and grabbed it, she started to look through her photos and soon regretted it. She saw a whole bunch of photos of her and Shu, they looked so happy in each others arms but it was all a lie. She loved Shu with all her heart and he broke her heart like it was nothing. She looked at the man beside her, he reminded her of Shu with his lazy attitude and his smirks. She let a tear drop from her eyes and it dropped down her face to Mikoto's hair.

She held the photo of her and Shu kissing close to her chest while she quietly sobbed. Mikoto woke up when he felt water falling on his face. At first he though it was Hylia trying to pour water on him again but he quickly figured out that she was crying. He sat up causing the girl next to him jump. "Why are you crying?" Hylia wiped her tears and tried to get up to leave, but before she could Mikoto grabbed her and held her. "P-please l-let me g-go." Her voice was shaky and it was obvious that she was about to cry again. "Not until you tell me what's wrong." Hylia tried to escape but he was just to strong for her. "Why do you care? Just leave me be. Nothing's wrong" "Are you really saying nothing's wrong when I've caught you two times crying about something and not telling me. I told you we needed to talk, now I suggest you start talking. Or would you like to see what happens when I'm angry?" She looked at Mikoto and shook her head now, she took a long pause before speaking. "There was more than one reason why I ran away. I ran away after I couldn't bare living in the house my mom was killed in but there was another reason. Someone I loved all my life left me for another girl and I was heartbroken and I ran away. I cried because I still have his sweater he always wore with me and I remembered walking in on him making out with another girl and I broke ok?" Hylia got out of his grip and ran out of the room heading downstairs. She grabbed her purse from the couch and went outside, she needed to cool down after reliving those awful experiences.

It was 8 o'clock in the morning so she could find somewhere to calm down, she searched for a garden on her phone and found one a mile away. She walked all the way there and when she got there she had immediately felt more relaxed. She looked at the roses in the garden which reminded her of the rose garden at home she and Subaru used to spend a lot of time in. She also had memories of her mother helping her make flower crowns with roses. She cried at remembering her mother who was murdered by that whore Cordelia. She loved her mother and avenging her brought her closure but remembering finding her dead still haunts Hylia. She cried harder as she was remembering the abuse she suffered for 4 years and how her father just let it happen. She remembered how everyone distanced themselves from her after Yui came to the mansion. She was thankful to have Subaru at least, but she was still worried about her father dragging her back to that nightmare house.

Meanwhile with Mikoto~

Mikoto was still in Hylia's room waiting for her to return after her outburst she had had. She had to be angry with him, I mean after all he forced her to relive the reasons why she ran away. He couldn't imagine how she felt, being hurt by someone who you've known your whole life. After thinking for too long he felt himself falling asleep. Hylia came back after two hours and headed to her room. There she saw the red haired lion sleeping in her bed, sighing she moved to the right side of the bed where he wasn't taking up space. She plugged in her headphones and drifted asleep. Hylia dreamed of Shu, but it was more like a memory than a dream. Hylia saw him picking flowers for her and putting them in her hair and kissing her face and then her lips. Hylia saw herself giggling as Shu lifted her up and spun her around, she heard Shu say "I love you Hylie, forever and always" "As will I." Hylia saw how he looked at her old self and then he stared directly at her. Hylia jumped up from her sleep realizing it wasn't real but started to shake, she laid down and closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

It was 4 o'clock when Mikoto got up and saw Hylia sleeping next to him but her back turned away from him. She was moving and turning a lot like she was having a nightmare, she started crying while mumbling the name "Shu..please don't go. I love you." She suddenly stopped and kept sleeping. The name Shu was a mystery to Mikoto but he could tell that it was the man Hylia was talking about. He held her in his arms and played with her hair, and she relaxed in his arms, he wasn't usually attached to another person except Anna but for some reason he felt like he needed to protect her. She was so delicate but at the same time she was very violent and badass when she wanted to be. She soon woke up after sleeping 6 hours and felt Mikoto's arms around her. She felt relaxed in his arms just like Shu but he was different, more loving and playful than Shu. She felt like he actually cared about her since he had been there every time she cried in the past 2 days. Still she had doubt in her mind, she couldn't get close to him for fear of her being hurt again. "Good Morning sleeping beauty. How was your nap?" Mikoto's voice was right in her ear and sent shivers down her spine. She lifted up her face so he could see her before responding. "Pretty good. Wanna tell me why you're in my bed?"

"Well I was waiting for you, so I could apologize but you took to long and I fell asleep." "Apologize?" Hylia tilted her head as to why Mikoto wanted to apologize to her. "Yeah, I'm sorry I forced you to talk about those painful memories. It wasn't my place to ask." "It's fine, I don't care as much now that I have closure." "I wasn't talking about your mom I was talking about Shu." Hylia's eyes widened and Mikoto realized he messed up more right when he was trying to apologize. "Fuck, I let that slip. Again I'm sorry I'll be going now." Hylia grabbed his jacket before he could leave her room causing Mikoto to look back. "How did you know about him?" Her voice seemed angry almost like she thought I looked into her background. "You were mumbling his name in your sleep and crying. I put the pieces together when you said you loved him in your sleep." Hylia slowly nodded and got up and left the room to head downstairs. He stared at her as she walked down. He wondered why she was mad when he told her the truth but he did realize that she didn't trust anyone not even him. At least not yet she didn't, but he wanted to find out more about her. He was in a trance with her and craved more of her.

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