Chapter 5: Goodbye

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3rd Person P.O.V

Hylia watched as her mother's casket was put into the ground, tears leaving her already swollen red eyes. She hugged her brothers as the unholy Pope was reading eulogy and they tried their best to comfort her but it was no use. Karlheinz just stared at the casket not paying any attention to those around him. He regretted everything, he hated how he just left her. He should have gone after her maybe then she would have still been alive; how he wished he could see her one last time, kissed her and told her that he loved her.

As the cemetery started clearing out the rest of the family remained.They laid roses from their garden, Zelda's favorite place to be on her casket. They looked at the white roses one last time before heading home. Once they arrived home everyone went their separate ways while Hylia remained in the living room. She was broken and she didn't know how she was going to get over this. Cordelia watched her daughter staring into blank space and at that sight she smiled, she had finally rid the family of the problem that was Zelda. She was delighted that everything would go back to normal and she would be treated lovingly like Zelda. She craved that attention more than anything and she would and did kill someone to get it.

~Time skip 4 years~

Over the four years things had changed, Karlheinz left the house and hardly came back except on his daughter's birthday. Hylia and Karl grew distant but she grew closer to her older brothers. She was now 14, Subaru was 17, Ayato,Kanato,& Laito were 18, Reiji was 19 and Shu was 20. She had watched her brothers being tormented by her other mothers. With Karl gone Cordelia had resorted to sleeping with his brother Richter and sometimes even her older brother Laito.Ayato was forced to study and never got to see his siblings.If he ever disobeyed Cordelia she would drown him in the lake and get him hours later. Cordelia made Kanato sing until his vocal cords would bleed. With Hylia she always forced her to take lady classes and learn etiquette, when Hylia refused Cordelia would hit her and beat her.

Beatrix was much more demanding of Shu expecting him to take over everything and always paying attention to him. She neglected Reiji and that made him resent her for that reason and he grew to resent his older brother. Christa went mad and she would have episodes where she would threaten everyone. She was locked up in the tower of the mansion, she asked Subaru to kill her and gave him a knife that could end any immortals life. Hylia grew to hate Cordelia and then one day she heard Cordelia arguing with her uncle Richter and she heard Cordelia admitting she murdered Zelda.

That night with the support of her triplet brothers they planned to murder Cordelia. Ayato slashed her in the stomach and chased her around the house. Cordelia ran to Laito begging him to save her from his brother. Laito came back to his mother and said he took care of it, but then pushed his mother off the balcony. Hylia and Kanato went down stairs with gasoline and candles lit. Hylia pour the gasoline all over Cordelia's body and then Kanato handed her the candles. "This is for my mother." She threw the candles into the rose bushes and she stayed there with Kanato watching the purple flames consume Cordelia.

In the next 4 months all of the remaining mothers were dead thanks to their children. Reiji killed his mother with his bare hands and he saw her smiling when she died. He continued to cut up Beatrix's body after she was dead. Subaru had killed his mother with the knife she gave him, as much as he hated it he was saving Christa from herself. The Sakamaki siblings stayed strong however Hylia had not seen the Mukami brothers since 4 years ago. Hylia would spend her days with Shu as their relationship grew within the years. He loved her and she loved him more than anything but that changed in a year.

~Time skip 1 year~

Hylia's 15th birthday had just past and the entire house was quiet during the rainy day. Soon there was a knock on their door. Hylia and Shu were cuddled on the couch listening to music together. Ayato was also resting in the living room, in walked a small blonde girl with red eyes. The unknown woman made her way to Ayato and when she saw that he wasn't breathing she tried calling 911. Ayato grab her phone and held it in his hand. He woke up and he wasn't happy he tried drinking from the girl before Reiji interrupted. "Isn't it a little early for these kinds of festivities Ayato? If  your going to do that I suggest you do it in your own room." "Such a buzzkill Reiji, it's becoming a pain in the ass." The girl ran behind Reiji asking him to please save her. Reiji looked at the girl with a furrow in his brows, he was clearly annoyed. He asked the girl what her purpose of being here was.

She said her name was Yui Komori and that her father sent her to live at the Sakamaki mansion.After Reiji, Ayato and Yui argued about her being here the moved into the family room full of chairs and sofas. Ayato sat in one chair as Yui sat on the couch, Reiji decided to stand rather then sit. As he was thinking of how he was not informed of Yui's arrival Laito and Kanato licked Yui's skin. Reiji scolded the boys and they argued about how they couldn't help themselves. Ayato and his brothers argued about who's the rightful owner to Yui, Subaru argued with Ayato about him calling himself yours truly. Finally Shu and Hylia woke up, Shu stated that a man at the church called him saying that he was sending a woman to be a guest at the house.The Sakamaki's started talking about Yui being the sacrificial bride which peeked Hylia's interest. She sat up causing Shu to sit up too, before saying "Oh yeah he also said specifically we're not supposed to kill her. Hylia's eyes went wide 'A sacrificial bride that's not supposed to be killed?'

Reiji placed Yui in a room after she ran away after learning they were all vampires. Yui was about to be bitten but Shu knocked over a picture frame to stop the scene. Hylia knew he did that on purpose but for what reason? She and Shu went back to his room to sleep and listen to music. When they got to the room she cuddled up to Shu and he held her tight. He kissed her all over her face and then kissed her on the lips. They made out for a while before Shu pulled back, he stared at his sister's eyes but he couldn't shake a feeling from his head. Yui looked like Zelda only younger, the only person that ever loved him in the world was right in his face again. Even though Hylia was Zelda's daughter he felt nothing toward her anymore. He wanted to get closer to Yui something was pulling him towards her. He loved his sister but not in that way at least not anymore.

Over the course of 3 weeks Shu had grown more distant from Hylia as had all of the other brothers except Subaru. She usually was in her room and occasionally she would go to the music room in hopes of finding Shu there only to find no one there. Today she was gardening with Subaru and for once she was actually happy. "Stop Subaru it was years ago and you still tease me about that." "It's not my fault you decided to come to my room and fall messing up everything." The siblings laughed together, after she was done Hylia headed to the music room. She missed spending time with Shu, she loved sleeping and listening to music together; she had no idea why he was being more distant. She loved him more than anything, he was the only thing she still had left. She entered the music room only to be heartbroken at the scene in front of her.

Yui was on Shu's lap making out with him and after he pulled back he drank her blood. "Yui your blood is so sweet, I've never tasted anything like this before. Only your blood will ever satisfy my needs and no one else's. I love you" Those 3 words, those 8 letters that was all it took to break Hylia's heart. She made her way out of the room quietly and ran to Subaru's room when she got there tears flooded out of her eyes. "What's wrong Hylia? Why are you crying?" Subaru had his eyes wide open as he rushed to comfort his sister. "H-he h-he cheated...' her sobs were covering her words but finally she got it out "In the music room I saw him kissing and drinking Yui's blood." She cried into her brother's chest as her rubbed her back. "He's never payed attention to any other sacrificial why her?" She kept on rambling before saying " I need to get out of this house Subaru. Can you help me leave, please? I have no one else I can trust." She sobbed more but Subaru told her he would do everything he could to get her out of here.He helped her pack 3 weeks of clothes and gave her 250,000 dollars to help her start a new life. He helped her into the limo and it drove away from the mansion. Hylia looked behind her and say the mansion getting smaller she whispered "Goodbye Shu and my brothers I will always love you."

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