Chapter 10: Drunk Mistakes

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Hylia walked downstairs and met Kusanagi, she ordered a pina colada and paid Kusanagi. She was pretty much annoyed at everyone right now except for Anna. The young girl sat next to her sipping her soda. She played with Anna's hair and braided it while waiting for her drink, Mikoto came down and as usual he sat on the couch smoking. When her drink was put in front of her she smiled and thanked Izumo. She looked on her phone for places to go and came across a club, she wanted to get away from Homra for a night and actually drink. She looked at the directions and saw it was only 10 minutes away from here so she decided she would go there later.

Hylia heard the bell ring on the front door and in walked Tatara, Yata and seven other boys walk in. Hylia didn't know all the boys names so Izumo told them to introduce themselves to Hylia. "My name's Rikio, nice to meet you." "Yo Chitose at your service. Nice to meet you beautiful" Hylia rolled her eyes at the brunette " "The names Dewa" Dewa looked like a smart ass and Hylia prayed that he wouldn't be as annoying as her brother Laito. "Kosuke pleased to meet you little princess." Kosuke had orange hair that looked like the color of a carrot. "My names Bando." Bando reminded her of her other brother Ayato, Bando seemed just as arrogant as Ayato too. "Shohei Akagi is my name. I look forward to seeing you around." "And finally my turn, the name's Eric, Eric Solt. I am glad to be graced with your beauty everyday. I have something to look forward to now." Hylia was looking at the blonde teenager in front of her dumbfounded and as he kissed the back of her hand she pushed him to the ground with her foot. She then wiped her hand on Kusanagi.

The boys started laughing at Eric and Hylia went back to sipping her drink. Anna tugged on Hylia's sweater and told her she wanted to go shopping. Hylia took her purse filled it with $50,000 dollars and left with Anna. She waved good bye and went out the door, the girls walked into the city and visited many stores she bought Anna more dresses and was looking for an outfit she would wear to the club later. She spotted something and told Anna to go look at the jewelry and she would buy her anything she wanted. While Anna was busy Hylia bought her outfit for tonight and hid it in her purse. She bought Anna a red ruby necklace and she wanted a silver bracelet. When they got back home Anna ran to Mikoto and showed him her necklace that Hylia had bought her. Mikoto chuckled at Anna's happiness and then saw her holding a silver bracelet. "It's for you." Mikoto ruffled Anna's hair and put on the bracelet, and picked her up and walked upstairs to his room to go to bed.

Hylia went to her room and looked at the clock, it was already 10 at night so she decided to get ready to go out. She took the clothes out of her purse and lad them on her bed, it was a white tied up t-shirt and black shorts. She decided to wear fishnet stockings and black heels to add more of a badass vibe. She wore hoop earrings, black choker, and a body chain to accessorize her look. Once she was done she started her make up which involved a red lip and black eye shadow. She grabbed her purse and headed downstairs, Kusanagi went home so she wouldn't get caught trying to leave.

 She grabbed her purse and headed downstairs, Kusanagi went home so she wouldn't get caught trying to leave

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She made her way downstairs to come face to face with Tatara, who had wide eyes at the girls outfit. "Hey, eyes up here buddy" Tatara blushed and apologized before he asked a question "What are you doing dressed like that so late at night?" "I'm going out I'll be back in a couple hours it's fine calm down." Tatara gave her a worried look as he knew how dangerous it could be at night in Shizume City and especially dressed so revealing. Hylia walked outside and caught a taxi, after giving the driver her destination they left. Tatara had a bad feeling so he decided to wake up Mikoto. He busted into his room in a panic, and Mikoto sat up. "What's wrong Tatara? You look like someone's been killed." "It's Hylia. King, I just saw her leaving in an outfit that would have guys all over her. I think she's gonna be in trouble, I have a bad feeling." Mikoto's eyes widened and he woke up Anna.

After alerting Anna of the situation, Mikoto, Tatara and Anna went to go find Hylia with Anna's marbles that she could use to track Hylia. Meanwhile Hylia already got to the club and paid the driver. She walked to the entrance and showed her fake i.d, the guards let her inside and she saw a bar with red stools and went their first. She ordered vodka and started drinking, soon enough she became tipsy and wanted to dance. She danced in the middle of the club and started to pole dance. Men were staring at her and buying her drinks, and offering to take her back to their hotel rooms but she declined. She drank more and more and was full on drunk, she started dancing with some random guy and was almost grinding on him.

He had his hands all over her body and she couldn't do anything to save herself because she was so drunk. Mikoto arrived and Tatara stayed outside with Anna cause she was underage, he searched for her all throughout the club but couldn't find her. He looked at the bar and there was no sign of her so he moved to the dance floor. Women were coming up to him but he just pushed them off of him. Finally he spotted Hylia grinding and dancing with a random guy, she looked totally drunk and he grumbled at the trouble she caused. He pulled her towards him and lifted her up so her body was on his shoulder. The man tried to punch Mikoto but he missed and then got punched himself. Mikoto met with Tatara and Anna outside the club and they both saw the state Hylia was in.

She was giggling and mumbling words all the way home, when they got back Mikoto laid Hylia in her bed. "No~ Don't leave I need warmth and you're like a giant warm teddy bear." She giggled and hiccuped which made her look adorable with her red cheeks, Mikoto laid down with her as she cuddled into his chest. Soon she got up and felt like she needed water and went downstairs to get some. Mikoto followed her to make sure she wasn't trying to leave again. Hylia drank her glass of water and put the cup in the sink, after she headed upstairs and Mikoto followed behind her. When she got to the room she laid on the floor while Mikoto was on her bed trying to sleep, it was 12 in the morning and he was exhausted from having to chase Hylia. She headed to the bed but tripped and landed on Mikoto's chest. He grunted and tried pushing her off of him but it was like pushing off a dead body so he laid there trapped. Hylia saw this and giggled, she moved a little off him so he could breathe. She then started talking, "Shu, I'm tired can you hand me my music?" She called Mikoto, Shu and Mikoto played along with it to make her fall asleep. He found her headphones and her phone and handed them to her. She thanked him and kissed him on the lips. His eyes went wide as he realized what was happening, he was lost in thought and soon Hylia pulled away. She turned on her music and fell asleep leaving Mikoto trapped in a daze. He knew she wouldn't remember this tomorrow so he decided he would keep quiet about it. He fell asleep and started to dream about the kiss.

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