Chapter 7: The Red King

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Hylia's P.O.V

I hear the man ask who I am, and I speak up "My name's Hylia I'm renting out the room upstairs starting today." The man has long red hair that almost looks like a lion's mane, he has bright amber eyes. He's tall and looks about Shu's age or a little bit older, he wears blue jeans with a plain white t-shirt with a jacket with a fur hood. He has a cross hanging around his neck and an earring on his left ear. He looks at me up and down before he mumbles an "OK". He goes to lay on the couch and lights a cigarette bringing it to his mouth. The little girl that was with him runs up to me before looking at me with wide eyes, she was a cute little girl in a Lolita styled dress. "What a pretty red you have, it's just as bright as Mikoto's."

Everyone in the room looked at me and the girl in shock even Mikoto sat up after hearing what she just said to me. I chuckled before hugging her "What's your name little one?" "Anna" "Well Anna how would you like to go shopping with me and I'll buy you anything you want." Anna nodded and followed me upstairs I got dressed in black knee high boots and a red skirt with a black shirt. I grab my bag and put $30,000 in the bag just in case we need it and then head downstairs.

 I grab my bag and put $30,000 in the bag just in case we need it and then head downstairs

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3rd Person P.O.V

Meanwhile the boys downstairs were talking about Hylia, the auburn haired boy from earlier who's name was Yata spoke up first. "What did Anna mean before when she said Hylia's red was just as bright as Mr. Mikoto's?" "Relax Yata, Anna says a lot of things." Kusanagi said "But when has she ever been wrong?" The boys all looked at each other and nodded in agreement as to what Yata had pointed out. Anna was a strain which meant she had powers of prophecy and knew that something could happen but she didn't know what it was. But it would always come true and the boys wondered what the girl upstairs could have to do with them but there thoughts were interrupted when the girls came downstairs. The boys all looked at Hylia with their mouths wide open, Yata started blushing madly while the rest had blushes creeping onto their faces.

Mikoto opened his eyes and saw the beautiful girl before him, he looked away after lighting a cigarette. He got up and walked over to the girls, "Izumo, I'm taking the girls out ok? Watch things here for me." "Sure thing boss." Kusanagi smiled at his old friend, Hylia was confused at first before Kusanagi spoke up "Izumo's my first name Hylia I don't mind being called it but I'm used to Kusanagi." Hylia nodded before heading to the door with Anna,but before she could leave Yata stepped in. "Mr.Mikoto let me take them, you shouldn't be bothered to have to do this let me go." "Sorry Yata I think it's best to leave it to the adults." Hylia learned the auburn kids name, Yata. Mikoto ruffled Yata's hair and walked out the door, Hylia and Anna following him.

Hylia held Anna's hand and brought her close to her, when Anna saw something she wanted she tugged on Hylia's skirt. Hylia took her inside a Lolita dress shop and let her try on whatever she wanted. Anna found 3 red dresses, 4 black dresses and 3 white and black dresses. Hylia took the items to check out and paid for them. It was only 500 dollars for the dresses and Hylia could easily pay for it. Soon the girls were tired so they decided to go into a cafe. Mikoto just sat there smoking and closing his eyes as Hylia ordered pastries and drinks, she ordered a latte and ordered soda for Anna. She ordered a mojito for Mikoto and showed her i.d.

"Lying's not good for you." Anna said as she looked at Hylia, the girl knew her age from her abilities and could tell she was lying. "Anna it's not for me , it's for Mikoto." Hylia played with Anna's hair as their drinks arrived. Hylia placed the drink in front of Mikoto but to her dismay he didn't even open his eyes. She sighed as she drank her latte, Anna noticed and kicked Mikoto in the leg. He grunts and open his eyes he sees the drink in front of him and he grabs it. He takes a sip and to his surprise he actually likes it, he continues drinking it until he finishes it. Hylia wasn't paying attention as she was on her phone texting Subaru.

Subaru : Is everything ok there?

Hylia: I'm fine stop worrying

Subaru: I'm just checking ok? I love you and I'll see you soon

Hylia: I love you too, see you later Subaru. Don't go breaking walls again.

Subaru: Ha ha very funny. I'll try not to

Hylia laughed at Subaru's remark and then took a sip of her latte after putting down her phone. "Who was that? Was that your boyfriend?" Hylia spit out her drink and it landed on Mikoto. Anna chuckled at Mikoto's face that looked as if he said 'What the hell just happened '  Hylia handed Mikoto napkins to wipe his face before turning to Anna "Anna that wasn't my boyfriend, that was my older brother." Anna nodded okay before sipping her soda. "So why are you in Shizume City if you have a brother to live with? Mikoto suddenly spoke up and his voice sent shivers down Hylia's back. "I ran away from home and Subaru helped me escape and find somewhere else to live." "Why did you leave and why didn't your brother leave the house too?" "I don't know Subaru never said anything about him leaving but I couldn't handle being there after my mom died. I regret not leaving earlier." Mikoto nodded not pushing the subject as he saw her eyes watering, "OK let's start heading home." Hylia nodded as she placed a 20 dollar bill on the table and got up. Anna was falling asleep so Hylia carried her and she soon fell asleep on Hylia's shoulder.

The walk back was pretty quiet as Mikoto didn't talk much only the occasional "we're 5 minutes away". When they arrived back Kusanagi was wiping  down the tables when he saw Hylia with Anna sleeping on her shoulder and Mikoto behind them. "Bring her upstairs to my room the last one on the right side." Hylia nodded at Mikoto as she went upstairs with Anna. Meanwhile with Kusanagi and Mikoto, Mikoto was at the bar drinking whiskey and smoking a cigarette in deep though about Hylia before his thoughts were interrupted by Izumo. "So I'm guessing you've figured out Hylia's story." Mikoto just nodded and continued drinking. "What do you think Anna meant when she said Hylia had a red just as bright as yours?" "I have no idea Kusanagi, but I think that girls gonna be the Queen." Kusanagi's eyes went wide and he dropped the glass he was cleaning, he had heard of Queens being taken by Kings but never for the Red clan. "Are you sure Mikoto? I know she's not an adult but I have no idea of her age. She seems a little too young for you." "I know that but I don't make up the rules. I mean look at me, did you ever believe that I would be king in high school. No."  Kusanagi had to admit Mikoto was right even though it seemed wrong. He couldn't argue with fate and he knew this was all planned by someone else and that they couldn't control it.

"Whatever you think King it's your decision if you make her your Queen or not. I mean if she was she would be an interesting one based off today's events." "Tell me about it. I know she's one crazy bitch." The men both laughed at the fact and soon went upstairs for bed. Mikoto checked on Hylia and he saw she was sound asleep, he watched her for a little bit before closing the door. He went to his room to find Anna sleeping on his bed, he laid on the bed and Anna cuddled into his chest. He sat in thought about Hylia wondering if she could be the one he was waiting for. Her laugh was replaying in his mind and it brought a smile to the red kings face as he closed his eyes falling into a deep sleep and dreaming of the white haired, blue eyed girl.

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