Chapter 6: Homra

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3rd Person P.O.V

Hylia watched the landscape change as it went from cities to open fields as she and Subaru traveled to Shizume City. Her brother had been there a few years ago and thought it would be the perfect place for his sister to start her new life. Once they entered the city they were dropped at the train station. Subaru told the driver to come back in 3 hours for him to take Subaru back home. The siblings carried two bags one with money and one with clothes, they ventured around the city.After a while the siblings were tired so they decided to go into a bar called Homra. It was fairly empty it was only like 12 in the afternoon, so the siblings had the place to themselves.

 It was fairly empty it was only like 12 in the afternoon, so the siblings had the place to themselves

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The bartender greeted them as they sat down "Welcome to Homra I'm Kusanagi. What can I get ya?" "Two glasses of rosé please" "Coming right up I just need to check your i.d." Hylia and Subaru both held up fake i.ds they had on them. The siblings were in there teens but if you look at them they looked almost in their 20s. However this bartender had a suspicious look on his face before questioning Hylia. "Hylia Mukami, hm I am impressed I've never seen this before. I know you both are underage but you sure don't look it." Subaru's and Hylia's eyes widened at the words of Kusanagi. Those soon turned into smirks "So what if we are? You can't prove it." Kusanagi looked at the girl with a puzzled look on his face, no one ever dared challenging him but here was a young girl who didn't care about authority. He chuckled before saying "You're right I can't prove it but I'm still not giving you alcohol." "Fine, two virgin pina coladas." The man started making the siblings drinks while Subaru pondered where he could hide his sister without being found.

"Quit thinking so hard Subaru, you're gonna hurt yourself." Subaru growled at Hylia causing her to laugh." I'm here because I'm helping you escape and not be found or would you rather go back to that hell hole house?" The young girl quickly shut up and wondered how she was going to hide from her family. Then their drinks were placed in front of them "Here you go that will be $12.75 please. Hylia went into her bag filled with money and when she opened it it was filled to the top with just cash. "What did  you do before coming here rob a bank?" Hylia chuckled at Kusanagi's remark and found a 20 dollar bill in the stack of 100 dollar bills. He took it to the cash register and counted the money and handed Hylia her change. The siblings started to sip their drinks before discussing where they should go. "Why can't I buy an apartment to make things simple?" "Hylia you want to stay away from being obvious about where you are or do you want Father to find you?" "No but-.." "No buts Hylia I am your brother and I'm sticking to this decision." Kusanagi's interest perked when he heard the word find. "If you need to stay under the radar we have rooms upstairs you could rent out. We are very secluded so no one would find out." Hylia and Subaru looked at Kusanagi before agreeing. Kusanagi agreed that Hylia would pay a couple hundred bucks a month to stay here and stay hidden. Subaru put her stuff in the first room to the left after coming up the stairs.

The siblings came down the stairs and met Kusanagi at the bottom, it was getting late and the driver was here to pick up Subaru and take him home. Before leaving he kissed his sister on her head and said "I'll visit you in a week or two and I'll bring more money if you need it. I love you little sis. I hope you find happiness outside of our family." Hylia hugged her brother holding onto him for a little while before letting go. "I'll miss you. I love you Subaru." Subaru waved good bye before entering the limo. After he left Kusanagi started talking to Hylia about why she was here. "So let me get this straight you ran away from home & your brother's helping you from being found by your father?" "Yep." "That's crazy and I've seen a lot of crazy things." "So what is this place?" "oh yeah I forgot to tell you this bar belongs to the red clan." "What's the red clan?" Kusanagi sighed before speaking "It's like a kingdom there's 7 clans and we are the 3rd clan. The red clan, we have a king who's the Red King" "oh, that's pretty cool." "More like chaotic with our clan, we are the most aggressive and violent of the clans, our king Mikoto is pretty ruthless." "Great I had to get involved with a gang my first day in this city." Kusanagi chuckled before they heard the doorbell chime.

There stood 5 men with skateboards, bats, metal rods and other objects, they all stared at Kusanagi and the girl next to him. Their mouths were all opened and it was attracting flies, one kid who looked about Reiji's age with auburn hair was blushing like crazy. "Boys it's not polite to stare close your mouths you're attracting flies." The boys all blushed bright red and looked away, this action made Hylia giggle. "Hylia meet some of the red clansmen, boys meet Hylia she's gonna be living upstairs with us. " "Wow Kusanagi these guys are the most feared,violent guys in all of Japan?" She started laughing hysterically on the ground and all the boys looked at her, she spoke her mind she wasn't scared of them and what they could do to her. She was fearless and that's what they loved about her already. They all started laughing but before they could introduce themselves a certain redhead walked in with a silver haired girl who looked around 8 or 9. Everyone looked at the man and bowed to him "Mr. Mikoto you're back" the auburn haired kid screamed. Hylia's eyes went wide she didn't expect him to be king, she expected a push-over like the rest of the clan not like the serious man standing in front of her. She looked at him with awe before his amber eyes met with her blue ones before speaking "Who's this?"

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