Chap 1

409 18 32

Annabeth's pov:

I woke up cold, head throbbing and my joints pained. Where the hell was I? I expected to be in a hospital, or at least still in the dance hall.

Memories of what happened emerged into my mind, and I shakily breathed whilst getting up. I broke up with Percy (or was it the other way around), everyone hated me and Drew?

Let's just say that if I ever see her again, I'll be suspected with murder.

Snap! I winced as a twig broke after meeting connection with my feet. I looked down and noticed I was still wearing my dress, yet it was in tatters and the bottom part was ripped. My shoes were still intact though, so walking was an option.

"Hello?" My voice echoed across the rooftops of the trees. "Anyone there?"

No answer.

I sighed and carried on walking to who knows where. These woods were unknown to me, yet they felt nostalgic. Like as if I was here before.

The sky was light, thank the Gods for that. If it was dark, I would have thought I was in a creepy horror film.

"Hello?" I called out again, voice hoarse. "Can someone help me?"

I called out to no avail, soon realising that this area was either abandoned, or uninhabitable.

. . .

I walked for about 2 hours before I heard the glorious sound of cars driving past.

"Cars!" I laughed. "I hear cars!"

I ran off to the sound despite my feet throbbing to the point where I had to bite my lip to ease the pain. I carried on running till I reached the clearing.

The roads were filled with cars. Must be the afternoon, I thought. I noticed a sign up ahead, and ran to it.

Long Island.

Long Island, why the hell am I in Long Island? I carried on thinking this as I trudged on the narrow sidewalk. I could just imagine the stares of people as they wandered why the hell I looked like this.

"Hello!" I turned to see a policeman calling me. "Yes, you!"

He ran to me, holding a badge. I rolled my eyes, your suit already told me that.

"Are you lost, ma'am?" He asked politely.

I nodded my head. "I don't know where I am, I just woke up in the middle of the forest."

"Uh huh." He said, "now what is your name?"

I raised my eyebrow, he didn't seem particularly shocked at what I said. "My name is Annabeth Chase."

"Annabeth Chase, huh?" He motioned with his hand, "follow me."

. . .

"This young woman was found wandering near Long Island," the policeman said. "Look her up for me."

I sat in the station, pulling my dress a little bit self consciously. I looked- and felt- horrible. The fact that the station was boiling hot did not help me.

"Are you sure your name is Annabeth Chase?" The policeman asked.

I nodded. "Why, is something wrong?"

PJO/HOO - Behind Closed Doors Pt.2 Percabeth FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now