Chap 5

285 16 47

Annabeth's pov:

I had stayed in camp for more than two weeks, and still none of my former friends had visited me.


"Why don't they come?" I asked innocently, not wanting to give off a bitter tone.

Will sighed, setting down a cup of ambrosia, (I had learnt of that about 3 days ago, and it still puzzled me) "On a quest."

"Quest?" I laughed. "What is this, a video game? You guys just go on qu-"

"It's not something to laugh about," Will said. "We have to do this kind of stuff, heck, you went on quests countless of times."

"Will I ever know?"

"Your memories?" Will asked. "That, I'm not sure. Maybe they'll come once you recover, or when you do something to ignite then back into your mind." He paused. "Chiron thinks someone is keeping them from you."

"Well what if someone is?" I asked, sitting up.

"If someone is, we'll have a quest, and we'll take care of it."

"But it's my memories, it's only fair if I should retrieve them."

"You're not ready yet, you've lost all your skills."

I let out a huff. "All my skills? Just because I don't know what's real or not, does not mean that I am incapable of fighting, or -"

Will laughed. "You're still the stubborn Annabeth we know."

I smiled a little. Only a little. "Now, can I get out of here and actually explore this camp?" I asked.

Will made a face. "Everyone who knows you will want to talk."

"Tell them I can't."


"No, breathe." I snapped. "Of course, talk."

Will sighed, "I'll try," he put his hands up. "But don't say I didn't warn you."

I rolled my eyes, opening the door and stepping outside. I smiled a little at the camp. Chiron had shown me it four hours after I came here, and I was incredibly suprised.

It looked like something out of a film, so beautiful and elegant, you just can't believe that it's real. I had learnt that the forest were filled with nymphs, to me, I thought of them as the 'souls' of the trees. They were far too beautiful though, and their voices seem to make me smile.

I trudged along the camp, looking at the cabins. Chiron told me they used to be in a 'U' formation, until they had decided to build more. Now the ends of the 'U' were more longer, like the Greek symbol.

Percy and the others would be back at noon today, and I realised how much I was dreading it. I knew of the fact that they would come running at me, demanding answers, and I would just glare. Because although I've come to the fact that this was all real, my previous memories were still etched into my mind. Countless of times, I had tried to let it go. But you can't just forget a day as wild as that, you can't forget the fact that you're now classified as a murderer, or that Leo hates you- wait no, everyone hates me actually.

But not here, no. Here, I am practically a hero apparently, went on quests with Percy and others- help stopped Titans. Will had always reminded me that when I 'died', I had brought devastation to the camp. Most of my friends couldn't stop crying, and I hated that.

I hated that I hated them. Sure, I would love to come back to terms with them, but I wanted to sneer at them when I walked past, and I wanted them to feel the pain they had caused me for so so long! But I couldn't, I couldn't bear to see them confused, and that was the part of me I wanted to delve into and throw away.

My thoughts danced across my mind as I walked across the grass, the slight crunching of my feet against the ground calming me. I then realised what I was wearing. My shoes were a simple converse, the same ones I had worn at the dance. I was wearing normal blue coloured jeans, and a orange t-shirt. They had supplied me with clothes a while ago, and I had grown succumb to them.

I heard Chiron shout an announcement in the dining pavilion. I was looking for no attention, so I quickly scurried back to the infirmary, Will giving me a confused look as I closed the wooden door hurriedly.

"What's wrong?" Will asked. "Did someone come to talk to you?"

I shook my head. "Chiron is making an announcement, I don't want to be a part of it."

Will sighed. "Annabeth you've got to tell somebody someday."

I thought for a second. "I'll say it when the others come back," I smiled. "Then they'll stay away from me, and all will be good."

Will raised an eyebrow. "I'm not going to complain but just," he sighed, then his gaze softened. "Just be careful, alright? Nico usually comes to talk with me and he'll probably want to talk with you as well."

I raised an eyebrow mockingly, Will and Nico were most definitely not going to talk. When I was in the infirmary, Will would usually talk about the campers, letting me know about them. I had learnt that when Will spoke about Nico, he'd usually smile lovingly. Once he'd talked about Nico for a full on hour, but I still listened. Will being a son of Apollo, his stories were the best.

He blushed red, sending me a small glare. "Yes, talk. Nico's with the others on the quest, and I'll want to know what he did."

I smiled knowingly. "Right, just don't make too much noise when I leave you to it."

Will's blush deepened, his glare doing the same. "Annabeth!" He groaned, slumping on the chair in defeat.

I left him wallowing in embarrassment, opening the door and walking outside with a slight skip in my step.

Chiron was still talking to the other campers, the others listening intently.
Must be important. I thought, as I silently went to sit on a bench a couple of yards away from the pavilion.

"As we all know, a couple people from our camp went on a quest a few days prior." Everyone nodded, a few whispering. "They are coming right now, in about 5 minutes. I want you all to greet them like how we always do." Chiron noticed me sitting there, and sent a small smile at me.

"There's a 'new' camper here too." He said, sending me a small look. Some campers noticed, and turned towards me. "But we'll meet her later today, right now we have to greet the others."

The campers all started to talk amongst themselves, some laughing, most smiling triumphantly. Thank the Gods no one decided to speak up about me, and what I was doing sitting by myself.

I didn't notice Chiron trotting towards me, until he sighed quietly. "You've become pretty silent over the past few days, you'll have to open up soon." He said.

I looked up at him, squinting a little at the added sunlight. "I don't want to be noticed."

Chiron shook his head. "The others will want to see you."

I huffed. "I don't want to see them."

"Right," Chiron trotted back to the pavilion, not saying another word.

I groaned inwardly, realising that the area I was in was mostly empty now, since most people wanted to see the others.

I hated and loved it at the same time.

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