Chap 9

254 18 34

I wrote this at 7am in the frigging summer holidays. Expect errors XD

(Changed Haphaestus to red team because I forgot about that, swapped with Nike)

Annabeth's pov:

I woke up the next day with a groan, my legs and head and arms and everything single joint in my body were sore, all because of yesterday's event.

Despite my whole body wanting me to  stay and sleep longer, I came out of bed and got myself ready.

Gods, this is going to be a long and painful day. I thought as I tyed my hair into its usual ponytail, I had already brushed my teeth and I couldn't be bothered to eat breakfast.

"Hi." Will said as I came out.

I nodded to him with a smile and say down, wincing as my leg started to cramp.

"Capture the Flag made you sore, isn't it?" I nodded in reply.

Will sighed and gave me a bowl of oatmeal, included with a spoon.

"Eat this, it will help."

I obliged, though it didn't really look good. However, the taste of the oatmeal quickly outweighed the looks.

"Oh Gods," I said, in between bites. "This tastes amazing!"

Will laughed, whispering quietly. "Put some ambrosia in it, but don't tell anyone." He winked. "Usually not allowed to do that."

I smiled uncontrollably, knowing that most- if not, all- of the pain was going to vanish, due to ambrosia's healing powers.

I scraped the bowl clean, and sadly looked down at the bowl, noticing that there was no more food.

"Thanks," I said as I opened the infirmary door, no longer feeling mild, but annoying, pain.


Opening the door, I walked over to the dining pavilion, and everyone was eating breakfast. That is, until I came. Now everyone was staring at me shamelessly, and I quickly hung my head and walked over to the empty table I usually sat in.

Since I already ate breakfast, I just sat there, fiddling with my fingers and whatnot.

"Hey," Hazel's voice brought me back to reality.

I smiled as she sat down next to me, the other campers giving her quizzical looks.

"So," I said. "How long are you going to be staying here?"

"I don't know," Hazel replied. "Probably a week or two?" She replied uncertainly.

"That's good." I smiled, as she continued to eat and we talked.

Everyone was still staring at us, and I hated the newfound attention. Realising why they couldn't keep their eyes off us, I turned to Hazel.

"Shouldn't you be sitting with Nico over there?" I asked, nodding towards the Hades table.

"I should but," she smiled shyly. "Nico said he didn't mind, so I went to sit here with you."

I smiled at her, giving her a playful shove. Hazel returned it, and we carried on shoving each other till I nearly fell of the table, and we both laughed uncontrollably.

. . .

"You should really talk to others." Hazel insisted, putting her hand on my shoulder.

PJO/HOO - Behind Closed Doors Pt.2 Percabeth FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now