Chap 10

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I feel horrible. I haven't updated in five days and I'm so frigging sorry, was just really busy and AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH I'm so sorry!!!!!!!!

Annabeth's pov:

Hazel, Jason and Frank were leaving today, a few days after I had finally became friends with all three. It was funny, how the three people I wouldn't speak to, were the only ones that actually belonged in this camp, and not Camp Jupiter.

Hazel gave me another hug, "We'll be back in no time. Don't miss me too much, alright?"

I hugged her back. "How could I not?"

I turned towards Jason and Frank, they were smiling at us two and I couldn't help but smile back. "I'll miss you two, alright?" As I pulled them into a hug.

"We know." Frank said, Jason nodding in reply.

They all waved at me as they left, leaving me to sigh and put my hands on my face. I had made no attempt to talk to Piper, Percy or Leo. I was terrified to talk to Leo, thinking that I'd break down in front of him and embarrass myself.

I had known this day was coming, and although Chiron tried to postpone it, I still had to actually do it. Today would be the day I moved to Athena's cabin, making me the head counsellor. I had refused at first, but Chiron constantly insisting that I would be able to do it changed my mind, and I wasn't really nervous anymore.

. . .

"So," Will opened the door for me and I entered, making a face at the slight mess on one of the top bunks. "Whose bed is that?" I asked.

Will laughed. "It's yours actually."

"Naturally," I muttered, causing him to laugh some more. He gave me my belongings, and pointed at the papers strewn across the bed.

"No one really wanted to clean your bed, they thought if they did," he sighed. "They thought of it, as a bad omen since you had so much important stuff there."

I analysed a piece of paper, noticing inches and yards were strewn across the page, in fact, it was of a large unfinished building.

"You used to love ar-  "

"Architecture," I finished for him, as I grabbed more pieces and looked through them. Every single thing was appealing to me, and I knew that there were still improvements needed to be made.

"Well then," he said. "I've got to go, see you around then?"

I nodded, too drawn to the papers that I didn't even speak back. He closed the doors, and I carried on looking. My whole bed was a bundle of papers, and I wondered how I could sleep there.

You barely slept at all, my subconscious said, and I tilted my head in confusion. How did I know that?

I carried on delving through the papers, since this was the Athena cabin, there were a stash of supplies in the massive closet, and they were filled with stationary. I smiled triumphantly and grabbed a pencil, writing out the lengths.

This was seriously fun, like something I'd do in my spare time, yet it was also stressing too. I had spent the last two hours modifying my buildings and I chewed the ends of my hair nervously. Some parts of the building were too simple compared to the others, yet when I added something to it, it looked too much. When I took that bit off, it looked too little. Go figure.

PJO/HOO - Behind Closed Doors Pt.2 Percabeth FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now