Chap 14

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I listened impatiently. The nereid was getting on my nerves, sometimes speaking in a fast pace so much that I couldn't understand a word she was saying, other times pronouncing the words so slowly it was like I was in preschool, her being the teacher of course. The nereid didn't seem to notice my discomfort though, carrying on speaking and I checked the sky, noticing the sun starting to fall. How long was I here for?
If my calculations were correct (never saying that again, I sound like Albert Einstein's female wannabe), nightfall would be nearing. Definitely sure that some of the campers would be looking, I decided to speed up her little 'storytelling'. Truth be told, I hadn't heard a single thing she said.

"What do you think?" The nereid asked, a smile plastered on her face though I knew it could turn into a frown as easy as a snap of her fingers. Her eyes glinted mischievously, and I chuckled nervously. One wrong sentence and I'd probably be washed out to sea.

"Wow," I exaggerated, throwing my arms up and trying hard not to stutter. "You're a really good um . . . storyteller?"

"I know," she replied modestly. Within a moment, her face darkened to a cloudy grey and I cursed inwardly. Did I say something wrong? "Now what do you want?"

"What?" I asked uncertain. "I didn't come here to get something. Came here to ask a few questions and -" she began to sneer. "Wait, just hear me out! Anything you want -that I can give -I'll find a way to answer your request."

"Swear on the river styx." She smiled maliciously, and I wondered if I had made a mistake.

"I swear on the river styx." The sky rumbled, sending a shiver to my spine and I prayed to my mom I'd be able to do it. The nereid, however, squealed and clapped her hands, jumping on the surface of the water.

"You're going to die!" She said in a sing-song voice. "You're going to die!" She giggled. "Father's going to be so pleased. He hates you, you know. My old man thinks that a child of Athena shouldn't be so close with Poseidon's son." She turned around, cupping her hands and starting to whisper. "He wants you to -you know." She maimed slicing her throat.

"You swore on the river styx," she continued. "On something that no man or woman has been able to give me." The sky rumbled. "I want to see you die, Annabeth."

"Wait!" I shouted, my right hand behind my back, making its way to the dagger sticking out of my bag. Her eyes found their way to my hand, which apparently I was not good at hiding.

"It's not easy killing a nereid, you know. Most people who try usually end up at the bed of the sea. You want to take a look?" Her eyes glinted mischievously.

"No thanks," I muttered, taking a few steps back. My hand crawled its way to the hilt of my dagger, pressed against it firmly in case she had any other ideas.

The water sloshed against the nereid's feet, the sand making its way to her toes and she wrinkled her nose.

"Don't you want to know what I want?" She didn't wait for me to answer. "I want you to clear waters of all man," her smile deepened as she noticed my eyes raise upwards.

"That's impossible!" I cried. The nereid laughed, and the sky rumbled as she spoke.

"You swore on the river styx, child. There's no going back from here." She sent me one last smile, before the water lapping against her feet towered into a raging wall, and submerged her. By the time the wave had calmed down, the nereid was nowhere to be seen.

I already knew the outcome, and it was clear as ever. I was going to die, my name forgotten as probably one of the stupidest deaths ever. Harshly, I kicked the sand with my boot, expecting soft sand to kick upwards, though my foot thronged as it met with a box.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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