Chap 6

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Annabeth's pov:

It had slowly occurred to me that the others would want to sit down and probably have a celebratory feast. Right now, I was sitting at the dining pavilion, the exact spot in which they were trudging off to.

I cursed myself, hoping to go to the infirmary without anyone seeing me. In fact, that area was practically my home now.

"Who's that?" A person asked, their voice too far for me to recognise.

"I don't know, the new camper?" Some boy said. "Feel sorry for her."

"I know right?" A person said, laughing a little.

I tilted my head in confusion. What was happening today, that would affect me? I would be in the infirmary all day long, which meant I would definitely not be a part of whatever they were talking about.

"Hey, new camper!" A person called, a voice that I was dreading. "We're going to eat, it's this way."

I kept my head down, starting to shake a little as they realised they were getting closer.

"Are you okay?" A girls voice called out- a voice that definitely sounded like Hazel's.

"Yes," I replied in a horrible deep voice, I didn't want them to recognise me.

"Come on guys," my heart stopped as another voice turned out to be Leo's. "Let's leave her be, and let's go eat!"

"You sure you're okay?" Hazel asked again, she was coming closer and I feared that she could see my hair.

"Yes, definitely." I said, my voice sleeping. "I've got to go to the infirmary, bye!"

She sighed. "You sure you don't want me to bring you some food?"

"No, but thanks anyways." I cursed in my head, I had forgotten to change my voice.

Hazel seemed shocked for a second, and I took that as my chance, running back to the infirmary.

"She saw me." I said, to no one in particular.

I then realised that there was no one in here except for me. Crap, I thought. They're all eating.

Just then, the door burst open, revealing a very tired Will.

"Chiron- said," he put his hands up, breathing heavily. "He said to come to the dining pavilion."

I shook my head. "Everyone is there."

Will shrugged, holding my arm and taking me, despite my loud protests.
I needed something to conceal my face, maybe a cloak? No, that would make me look like I was going to terrorise everyone here.

"A jacket with a hood!" I cried out to Will, we were nearing the place and I was desperate.

Will paused for a moment. "What?"

I quickly let go of his hand, and sprinted to the infirmary, trying to find the hoodie I had spotted earlier.

I smiled as I noticed it hanging limply on a chair, picking it up quickly and going back to Will.

"Oh, thank the Gods," he sighed. "I thought you had left me."

I rolled my eyes, pulling the hood over my face and trying to act natural. Trying.

Will went off to sit at his table, with all the other Apollo kids. I, for one, didn't know who I should sit with. Although I knew Athena was my mother, it didn't feel right sitting next to total strangers.

PJO/HOO - Behind Closed Doors Pt.2 Percabeth FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now