01 | Ego and the Creep

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Ego's Trap
Written by Indigo Ivy Salamander

☆☆☆ Chapter 1 ☆☆☆

Ego and the Creep

"Ane, you have to go── they're waiting for you," my sister snapped before pushing me out of the house with all my luggage.

There was no doubt in my mind that every word she'd said to me since the limo showed up were nothing but bitter. She was obviously jealous. Heck, even before the sweet ride came for me, I heard it building up in the back of her throat. I was sure even Mom and Dad would have felt the same way had they been there instead of wasting away at their boring old jobs, 'cuz I mean, who wouldn't?

"It's not fair you get to go work for my soulmate instead of me, you don't even like what people say about him!"

I didn't even have to point it out, she said it herself!

"Oh please, Teresa, he doesn't even know you, you creep, and it's not my fault he chose me instead of you," I rested a hand on my hip and did a quick roll of the eyes. "All it means is that I'm better than you, even when I don't try."

"I don't get it, I really don't, I would've done whatever he wanted, and that means a lot. You and I both know he's the real creep here, not me. I heard he chases after girls that look like the one he── "

I turned my back to her and shrugged off whatever the heck she was going off 'bout.

Y'see, I didn't have the time for some sisterly chat. Not anymore, even if I wanted to, and who would want that with Teresa anyway? I had more important things to do, like walking up to the maid that held the door for me, throwing my luggage at the manservant that picked his nose by the trunk of the car, and snapping my fingers to be fed grapes by another. I was on a whole new tax bracket now, baby. All to be some local rich guy's personal maid, one who's without a doubt desperate to throw away his family's old money for me. After all, me just signing the contract put a six-digit number in my bank account and a key to a free room with anything I would ever ask for.

Ha, here I was, proving the world wrong── I didn't need a fancy shmancy diploma to live a good life. The world was workin' in my favor. What could possibly go wrong? Nothing, that's what!

"What in the world... this is so not fair, I know he would've liked me," Teresa grumbled, lightly kicking the carpet with the fading old colors beneath her, but who really cared 'bout her opinion?

I was the one that mattered, all eyes were on me. Whether it came from a lowlife pervert or not, it was no wonder this great opportunity had poofed itself into existence for my sake, unlike my sorry excuse of a sister. Gotta admit, the attention had been long overdue 'cuz I'm far above any other creature alive. It was a simple fact. Someone should've noticed me since the day I turned legal. To work. Like, just look at me, I have the greatest pair of melons around; they're cheerful, full, perky, and as large as melons themselves── and that's not all I'm packin'. My blessed face, curves, and chub, which are only possible through my unique mix of genes (jeans?) and diet, have allowed me to have the world wrapped 'round my fingers. Any lowly human would die for a piece of me, hands down. Nobody can resist my godsent beauty and charm.

Okay, fine, I think it's somewhat unfair for Teresa to not be the rich guy's maid even if I'm the one that deserved the job, but hey, at least with me around I don't think anything too weird's gonna be happening. If Teresa had been the one to become his personal maid, it would've been a really, really different story (all erotic hell would set itself free) 'cuz they were a perfect fit for each other. They were both, as already known, spoiled, creepy perverts. Their puny and simple-minded brains were thinking of nothing but trash, and I knew that for a fact. I felt it.

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