30 | It's True

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☆☆☆ Chapter 30 ☆☆☆

It's True

*Ane's Point of View (POV)*

I felt like a fool. I felt like a fool every single time I stood right in front of the door that lead me to Jade. Every single time, I find myself afraid to open that door and see the outcome of what I had done. I'm afraid to see the bandages wrapped 'round her torso, to see her limp, fall, or wince every time she tried standing up, to watch her eat soft food and soft food only. Her body was more than just messed up now, and it was completely my fault.

I hurt her. I was the reason she hurt, just like how I hurt others.

I was afraid to see the outcomes face to face, but I had no other choice, I knew I had to face them if I wanted to get better— especially Jade. It is why I always try to come here, no matter how painful it is.

C'mon Ane, you can do this. This is not your first time visiting her.

I breathed in deep, held it in for a while, forcing my heart to slow down, and let it all out when I could no longer take it.

I can do it. I can open that door and face her head on.


The blinding light from the sun hit me right across the face as soon as I walked into the room. The curtains were wide open and so were the windows themselves, with the breeze coming in and messing around with Jade's hair and robe. Jade didn't seem to mind── she was too busy staring at the contents of a plain beige bowl.

After shutting the door behind me, her attention briefly landed on me before going back to the bowl. "Why? Why are you here again?" She asked, poking whatever was in the bowl with her spoon.

Small talk, start with small talk, Ane. "What's that?" I asked, overlooking her own question.

"Some sort of rice pudding── something along the lines of... aro-ss con... leech... leche? I don't know, Roger gave it to me."

I couldn't help but giggle at her efforts. "Don't you wanna try it?"

"I don't know, it looks weird."

"If you give it a chance, I'm sure you'll be surprised."

"I've had more than enough surprises for the past few days, boob monster. I don't want any more surprises." She still helped herself to a spoonful of the rice pudding, and quickly swallowed it down. She then licked her lips and stuffed herself with a generous portion. With her mouth full, she said somethin' 'round the lines of: "I've been throwing up a lot lately, I might be pregnant, haha." When she swallowed her second helping and noticed my grimace, she rolled her eyes and said, "What? Was that a bad joke? You know I was just kidding, right? I can't have kids anyway, thanks to you. Chances are basically zero. It's fine, though. It's permanent birth control now, haha. Who wants kids anyway? They're snotty, annoying, bratty pieces of shit. Fuck all of them and their moms. Fuck my uterus, too── ha, wait a moment, it's already fucked! Hahaha!"

That only rubbed salt into the wound, but of course what can Jade do 'bout it? It's my fault. "I'm sorry── "

She banged her fist onto her over-bed table. The bowl almost dropped on her, but out of some miracle it didn't. "Oh shut the fuck up, that's just annoying! You are not a sad little bitch! Stop saying that every time you come here like a stupid broken record." Before feeding herself another spoonful, she added, "You know you meant it when you did it, and for a damn good reason."

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