35 | The Fifth Day

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☆☆☆ Chapter 35 ☆☆☆

The Fifth Day

*Ane's Point of View (POV)*

I have to admit we spent the past two days having a good time, but even then it wasn't enough to shake away my thoughts of Daniel── he was definitely somewhere in the hotel 'cuz Hilery's a bad liar (ugh, yes, I know, she may have faked being one for the sake of mischief), but that adorable scrub refused to show himself, staying true to his words. I couldn't find him anywhere no matter how hard I tried, and so as a part of a regular day at the hotel, here I was moping and rereading Daniel's letter on my bed.

Like half an hour into hearing Daniel's voice in my head, in walked Teresa, into our bedroom, with her hair down── completely straightened. My eyes almost couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"What the hell did you do with your hair?! Did you perm it?" Teresa looked straight at me, nodding with a small smile, calmly running her hands through her hair. I immediately let go of the letter and jerk myself off of the bed. "I can't believe it! Y'know you didn't have to!" I snapped, shaking my head and rubbing some of the ends of her hair with my fingers. They felt dead, dry. "Yours wasn't nappy or annoyin' like mine for god's sake, and even I don't perm it── I cut it down! You out of all people in our family didn't need a stupid perm! Did that hairdresser make you do it?"

Teresa nodded, looking down. "Sort of. He said it would look better on me."

Today, Teresa, Fiona and Hilery all went to the supposedly famous hairdresser working at the hotel, and I refused to go; I was fine with what I did with my own hair── I chopped it down to a teeny weeny afro back in high school, and I've kept it that way ever since, trimming it down whenever it dares to grow more than a handful of inches tall. I never permed it, never will. It's unnecessary. At most, I complement my hair with a bandana or some of Daniel's gel── and even then, that has only happened occasionally.

I had hoped that the hairdresser would do something similar to Teresa, something that would complement her thick, soft hair, like an updo or some bangs, but instead, she has fuckin' a perm. It killed every strand of her hair, burned her otherwise healthy scalp, for no good reason. She won't recover from that for a long, long time.

Whoever that hairdresser is doesn't deserve to be famous.

"Ugh! It was so pretty, and look at it now, it's dead! Dead, I tell you! Just wait 'til Mom sees you, she's gonna freak!" I couldn't help but growl at her dumb, passive self. How did she not know any better? For god's sake she's twenty-six now! "Don't you ever let someone else judge you into changing like that!"

Teresa's eyes widened. "Ane, you really thought it was pretty before this?"

"What? Why would you even ask? Of course I did, you stupid whore!" I crossed my arms, fuming and more than ready to tear someone or something apart.

If that dumb hairdresser's face was right in front of me, I don't know what would've happened.

"Oh my god Ane, are you complimenting me? Is... is this really happening?" Teresa's entire face beamed. "Wow, I didn't want to say it before, but... you're really changing, aren't you?"



I continued walking out of the building and into the pool area with the slowest pace possible, not really aiming to go anywhere. I just needed a little breather from what my sister had told me. She's been with me for the entirety of my life, of course she would know what she's talkin' 'bout, right? But how can what she said be possible? I, Ane Mayflower, am changing? Since when? How? Why? Is it 'cuz of Dr. Connor? Teresa herself? ...Daniel? I had the aim to try and move on, to heal, and all of them support me with it, but Teresa's words on me were a little too sudden, a little too fast── me, changing already? C'mon that's just too much right now. It's kinda spooky, even!

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