20 | Family Time!

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☆☆☆ Chapter 20 ☆☆☆

Family Time!

There is a certain valuable thing that more than just a handful of social creatures like me and every other being that is self-aware in this world seeks after spending too much of their energy on other such beings. My good mind, yes── that which we seek after time is spent on others is silence. In other words, a quiet retreat from social interaction; some alone time. Now, just 'cuz someone is alone during such a time of mental repose, it means not that they are lonely 'cuz then it defeats the entire fuckin' purpose of going on a human hiatus. But alas, my self-proclaimed boyfriend of a few months and contracted pervert of a 'boss' knows not of such concept 'cuz he's just too needy.

Okay, okay, I'll stop with that complicated talk mode 'cuz I could hardly understand what I was sayin' myself.

Silence, goddamn it. It was all I wanted for the past week, and it wasn't until this morning after breakfast that I thought Daniel finally wrapped it around his pretty little head, but boy was I wrong!

Here he was, barging himself into my precious comfort zone, interrupting the time I was carefully using to savor the flavor of my favorite potato chips and to take in the bright colors on the screen of the amazing television Daniel bought for me. The worst part of it all was that I couldn't even hear what was going on in the show 'cuz of Daniel's heated 'chat' with whoever was on the other end of the mobile telephone he was flexing. Maybe it was Roger, they're always yapping away 'bout the dumbest of things. Just yesterday they were going on and on about some random book I didn't care enough to know the title of (or some other nerdish thing like that), and they took joy in it. I just don't understand.

Anyways, whatever they were yapping over now was beyond me, but it didn't mean that I couldn't enjoy my time in my own darned room. I didn't even invite Daniel in! This is what I get for not locking my door and dating a guy like him.

I would much prefer Teresa to be here than Daniel 'cuz at the very least, regardless of my annoyance with her odd tea rituals, she doesn't stick to me like gum and actually understands what alone time means.

"Mother, please, I── " Daniel was in the middle of pulling his hair. "I know, I know, but why now? I don't get it, and... uh, yes, but── i-it's just too sudden!" Daniel stood quiet for a few moments, allowing me to finally hear the show I was watching for a span of less than ten seconds before being interrupted once again by a defeated sigh that wobbled itself out of him. "Fine... but please, don't bring Jade in here. I don't know what she'll do when she sees my girlf── uh, oops, I mean── " Right then and there the most feral cry I have ever heard hit my eardrums, straight out of his dumb brick of a phone. We made brief eye contact and during that time Daniel whispered a 'sorry' to me. Uh oh. I know exactly where this is going. "Um, yes, mother. I thought I... I thought I told you. In fact, I'm actually── " He paused himself, storming out of my room in the process.

Gosh damn he didn't even shut the flippin' door! Now I actually gotta stand and leave out of the blankets I had wrapped myself into! ...Oh.

I think Daniel felt my misery with his Ane-antenna 'cuz he rushed back to only close the door. I was so moved I almost dared to forgive him for everything he had done to me for the past week, but I caught myself on time before actually doing it.

Ha! Not even a cute, considerate fool like him could easily be forgiven for tearing apart the peace I wanted!


Within an hour, Daniel was back in my flippin' room, and I was ready to fight his mega-cute booty.

"Daniel, we've been dating for a while now and I like you and all, but I thought I made it clear before that I wanted some time to myself. There's a week-long marathon goin' on right now for one of my top five TV shows and you've been nothing but annoying. I can't watch a single goddamn episode without you comin' in like nothing's goin' on! Do you know how painful you're makin' this for me? Go watch some porn or somethin' already. Keep yourself busy. I don't know, go get a job somewhere, you cutesy rich bum."

Daniel's eyes furrowed. "But Ane, I want to be with you every second of every day." When he caught on to me gushing over what he said, his puppy eyes pleaded for my attention. "If you let me stay here, I promise I'll stay quiet."

He never fails to get me with those eyes...

"Fine," I grumbled, sitting upright with the many blankets resting over me. "Sit here with me." He didn't even hesitate before helping himself to my bed as if it was his.

I already regretted my decision. I just know my future self's gonna hate me for this── Daniel's bound to distract me from the show just by breathing 'round me. Actually, he doesn't even need to do anything to get me into the Daniel Fever (and I'm sure he knows that very well).

"Before I stop talking, I have to tell you something that's somewhat... um, important." Oh god, here it is, it's coming. "My fam── "

"Your family's comin' over, aren't they?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

" ...Yes."

"And you wanna introduce 'em to me, and vice versa."

"I actually didn't want that but my parents── " Daniel attempted to defend himself but sighed within seconds after trying, "but yes." I stared at the screen, watching my favorite characters but not really processing what they were saying. "Ane, I'm sorry. I know it might be too soon for us but they intended to come regardless. They're just... a little more pumped now that they know about you."

Ugh, I can only wonder how his parents are. "When? For how long?"

"Pretty soon, like within two days. Ridiculous, I know. They never tell me in advance when they── " he stopped himself with a sigh, but continued shortly after. "About their stay, I actually have no clue, but it'll undoubtedly be for a long time." A dry laugh followed. "They intend to transfer my siblings into the neighborhood's school system, but it's summer time right now. You can connect the dots."

...School system? Just how old are they? Is Daniel the oldest of them all? How many of 'em are there?

And the biggest question of them all: will they bring trouble, parents included?

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