39 | His Touch

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☆☆☆ Chapter 39 ☆☆☆

His Touch

Daniel didn't move a single inch, but his beautiful eyes were no longer on his slippers── they were on me, watching my every move, waiting for me to say something, and so, I fixed my throat. It didn't mean I gathered up my courage, though. I was sweating buckets, maybe trembling. His words had me take a small step back, had me gulp, from how conscious I was of how I was presenting myself, far more than before.

To try and hide my cleavage as much as I could, I pushed my towel further up my chest. Of course, my melons were far too packed for a simple towel. He definitely noticed.

How funny, here I was, nervous as heck, even though I was the one that pushed him into this situation.

"S-so, what do you mean? And... and when? Do you mean now?"

"I think you know what I mean, but I'll break it down for you. I lift your shirt, blouse, whatever it is that you may or may not be wearing when the time comes, as you once did to me, and look at you. Touch you. Very simple," he said, still not moving. "Doesn't have to be now."

"Easier said than done, Daniel," I found myself blurting, tugging at the ends of my pathetic excuse of a towel.

"Exactly, Ane," he replied, crossing his arms against his chest. As he did that, my heart skipped more than a couple of beats. "As you are now, I won't do a single thing except for that, and I will only do it if you're up for it. What do you say?"

That's when he lifted his pretty self from the doorframe and stood before me, waiting for an answer yet again. The intensity of his emerald orbs forced me to look away from them. His breathing was even, his posture far more elegant than mine. His cheeks, his ears, flushed. His golden eyelashes waved at me every single time he blinked, and his soft, pink lips were far more than tempting me. The most adorable of expressions, he had. Everything I wanted at the moment, he had. Goddamn, how can such a beautiful, handsome man exist? He's definitely an angel, sent down from the heavens.

I couldn't stop myself from nodding. "Yes, let's do that," I breathed out. I wanted him now, whichever way possible. If he wanted baby steps, fine, then so be it. Whatever. "Now. Let's do that right now."

Nervous, me? Since when?

"Alright then," Daniel quickly replied, shutting the door behind him, allowing the darkness that I'd taken advantage of just moments before to engulf us. "Let's start with the lights. Let's turn them on."

"Okay, just promise me you'll overlook the bean bags, and anything that relates to them, or else you'll end up sending me off to a psych ward before we get to do anything. I don't want that."

In the familiar darkness, I heard Daniel's chuckle. "Alright, got it, my bittersweet, psycho princess."


His hands were on me, caressing my arms, my collarbone, my neck. His tender lips followed right behind, nibbling on me occasionally. They had yet to yank off my towel. Such a patient man. Or maybe this was all an experience for him, or he just knew how shook I was from it all and was just being considerate, gentle. Who knows? It felt good, I'll say that, but why do I feel so nervous, so shy?

What's so different 'bout him looking at me now? He's touched my melons before, without a doubt. A poke or two, I'll admit, but that's something. And heck, he's squeezed me so many times with hugs that he should know their feel. He has kissed my neck, full on like a damn vampire, and has stolen food straight out of my mouth with his crafty tongue. At one point, he saw me in my underwear (sure, there was barely any light, but it still counts), and mind you, I was the one to show myself to him like that, back when I was first hired. He's seen my curves, my hips, a couple of scars here and there── he's touched them. He has seen more than enough to know what he's gonna deal with already, and he has loved it all to the moon and back. And yet, I find myself trembling, nervous, sweating buckets. I literally pushed him to this point. What the heck's wrong with me?

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