18 | To Love is to Care?

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☆☆☆ Chapter 18 ☆☆☆

To Love is to Care?

The room was otherwise untouched, just as I had left it.

The sole exception from that fact wasn't anything upsetting, it was pretty much the opposite. Lying idly on my bed were two beautiful dresses working together to cuddle the living daylights out of a pale blue envelope. One of those dresses was── yes, you know it── the long-awaited classy Victorian maid dress that everyone wore on the clock 'xcept for me, the so-called personal maid (a.k.a. the overpaid adult nanny).

The other dress on the bed I assumed to just be one of the many for me to wear off the clock, but it was far too fancy for me to wear casually, and when have I ever gone to a ball or banquet hall? It was an elegant, long, and graceful white dress with long sleeves. It had golden lilies, silver roses, sky-blue hydrangeas, and many other colorful flowers embroidered into it. Something with such a delicate texture and design couldn't possibly be worn to the park, for example (I guess I can wear it in my room every now and then to show it off to the mirror).

Overall, I can't really complain though 'cuz it's definitely the best gift that Daniel has given me as of yet. I'm surprised actually that Daniel would have such great taste (or is it that he knows exactly what I like from following me around a little too much?), and that he heard of my concerns with my trashy playboy uniform (I may have pestered him enough 'bout it to the point of getting on his nerves, but it was definitely worth it). Honestly I thought he would make me wear something just as perverted as the bunny uniform. I was even convinced that his next big thing would be a smexy nurse outfit as a combination of both his dirty fantasies and an inside joke from one of our many walks around town.

As for the envelope though, I didn't dare to open it just yet.

I placed it on the dresser for a future me, 'cuz who knows what the heck's in there?


Daniel was standing behind his desk, looking down at his pool in a trance, from his monstrosity of a window. It wasn't 'til I slammed the door shut behind me that he dared to move a single inch.

He failed to break away from his trance. "Did... did you read the letter?" As soon as I said no, an obvious wave of relief hit him from all over. For a few moments I was convinced that his neck cracked from how swiftly his head turned to face me, but I didn't see any sort of reaction from him that would've confirmed my thoughts. "You're not lying to me, are you?" I shook my head, and his eyes glowed almost immediately. "Thank the lords! Just throw it away, toss it somewhere where not even a single soul could give it a quick glance. Actually, just burn it. I'll buy you a flamethrower if necessary."

"Y'know, just 'cuz you're making such a big deal 'bout it I might just read it as soon as I leave out of this room."

His entire face flushed all over within minutes. It made me think of a plump and tasty tomato. "Please, just don't. Do it for me, please?" I swear his ears drooped, like those of a begging dog's. "My mind yesterday was foggy and all I could think of was you and Ro── uh, sh-shit, um, like, I-I'm sorry for── ugh, everything; everything I did yesterday. It was mortifying. Gods, I don't even know what to tell you, or how to explain myself, haha... "

I found myself shrugging a little too passively. "Well, don't worry. I... had a fun time with you during that time." Now why did I have to say that?!

I didn't even think it was physically possible, but Daniel's adorable tomato face turned several shades darker, to the point where I was genuinely concerned 'bout it bursting at any given moment. "Okay," he muttered, playing with his fingers. His eyes seemed to not know where to look, but soon enough they landed on the dress he'd given me and remained there. "You weren't wrong about the uniform, by the way. It... it looks good on you."

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