19 | Small Good of the Fever

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☆☆☆ Chapter 19 ☆☆☆

Small Good of the Fever

Daniel, sitting fairly upright on the couch, was doing one of his pervy signature grins as he sipped a few bits of the tea I prepared for him. The adorable runt was still wearing the arm sling that the doctor had given him a few days back, but to me he looked pretty fine now. Before the anticlimactic reveal from the doctor that he should be fine within a week or two, I thought his injury was gonna make life hell for him as I watched it swell up, but here he was as good as ever. It doesn't change the fact that I made him go through some painful moments though, and he never fails to let me know that in his own annoying way, like right now:

"Dang Ane, I already knew that you were pretty feisty, but now I know for sure."

"You're welcome. Would you like me to get all hot and feisty with your other arm, too?" I growled, rolling my eyes.

Daniel let out a nervous giggle. "Uh... no."

"Then shut it and stop complaining."

"You can't tell me what to do. I am your one and only Master, my sweet personal maid," Daniel said after a surprisingly soft scoff that I could barely count as one.

I sighed, cursing under my breath. To see if I could shut him up, I attempted to snatch the cup he had to fill it up to the brim, but Daniel caught on and moved it away from me. I came as close as I could to Daniel and stretched my arm to the max, but his darned good arm lifted the cup above his head.

"Just give me the damn cup!"

"No." Why the hell was he being so difficult?!

Seeing no other possible way, I pressed two of my fingers onto his sprain, but my actions didn't fail to turn against me by some form of dumb karma── he recoiled a litte too fast, and out of his hand the cup was... and right onto my back, it fell onto.

I thanked the heavens his tea wasn't as hot as the teakettle a few feet away, but it still didn't save me from arching my back in pain 'cuz it still burned like hell. I was scared to move; what if the burning sensation spread itself to places I couldn't handle?

Lucky I was that I didn't have to worry for long, or not. Within a few moments, an ice-cold splash of water hit me from the back, leaving me into another form of shock. How the hell was I frying myself in one moment and freezing myself right after?!

As my teeth began to chatter along with my body, I noticed a gawking Daniel standing right above me. What he was looking at, I didn't even have to wonder: the outline of my thick bra straps.

"Daniel you brat! Stop lookin' or I'll kill you!" I heard myself threatening him far more than that, but I knew it was all talk and no bite. I hoped with all my heart that he couldn't tell, but this scrub was just simply a little too observant, and today it seemed to not be one of the few exceptions considering the certain glow in his eyes.

Once I shut my trap, I couldn't even give him a single look. His gaze made me feel so darned weak on the inside, and oddly enough, I liked it. My heart throbbed and begged for that moment to continue, but I knew fairly well that if it did continue, I could potentially hurt him again 'cuz who knows what the heck my head goes through when I'm too far into the hots with him and the Daniel Fever.

Please dear world, please tell me that I'm not turning into a perv like Daniel!

And of course, the world just had to prove me wrong. Feeling a form of pure heat radiating out of my insides steadily turning the coolness of the water that was once thrown on me into something much more bearable, I found myself shaking my head.

Now I couldn't deny that the Daniel Fever had some good in it, too.

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