The White Rabbit (Edited)

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I swing around the corner, giggling wildly. The fruit seller runs after me, running and yelling and waving his roller around like a maniac.

I ran past the weird freaks that ran the Isle, two girls with dyed hair, a boy that had hair too long to properly maintain, and another boy who could've only been Cruella de Vil's kid. They were singing, which was an awful habit their parents had inflicted upon them. There was so much dubstep in all of the songs, which frankly, didn't help them. At least they had good singing voices. 

Ducking inside the hidey-hole that Dad made a few years ago, I saw that the White Rabbit was back with a scroll.

The White Rabbit is a good friend of my dad's who jumped at the chance to join him in Auradon- or, at least, what was supposed to be Auradon. Neither of them were prepared when they learned that their actual place of residence was to be the Isle of the Lost. That kind of deception does things to a person, y'know?

"Miss Hatter!" said the W.R., opening his scroll. "You have been invited by Prince Ben of Auradon to attend Auradon Prep along with four others. Please head to the broken bridge to receive your ride."

"That's garbage. Aren't his parents Belle and Beast? The guys who literally came up with the Isle? He's sixteen and he's not even king yet. Why didn't they just say no? And why me? Four is a nice, even number. Why ruin all that by making it five? Although I do admire him making it uneven. Are you sure?" I asked, vaguely concerned his memory was going with his age.

"I'm very sure, madam," W.R. replied. "In fact, this message arrived just yesterday, addressed specifically for you."

"Yesterday? Why didn't you come get me sooner?"

"You didn't come home last night, and in fact, you've been running quite amok all over this Isle, young lady," W.R. said sternly. "Now, your father is waiting for you at the bridge. Hop to it." He offered a cheeky wink and added, "You're late."

I didn't quite know what to do with this information, so running for the bridge seemed  like the best option. 

I ran for the bridge.

My father was, in fact, waiting for me. Unfortunately, he was also on top of a roof, where I couldn't get to him at my current position. When we made eye contact, he threw something at my feet, nodded, and walked away.

I picked up the item he'd thrown my way and realized it was a deck of cards. An old, ragged deck, well-worn, well loved. I'd never seen it before.

I loved him so much.

There was a sleek black limousine waiting for me when I turned around. It had undoubtedly already been there, but in my haste to see my father, I had completely overlooked it. It was a family trait of mine; I looked under everything I could, and what I couldn't see under, I overlooked.

In any case, there was a car for me to get into, and get in I did.

And ran right into the rotten Core Four of the Isle. 

Mal, daughter of Maleficent. Pale skin, purple hair, probably a dragon if she tried hard enough, mommy issues, daddy issues, issues with her extended family, issues with everyone else's families. I was always kind of terrified of her, mostly due to rumors of her paternal heritage.

Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen. Less pale skin, blue hair, mommy issues. I always had a little bit of a crush on her.

Jay, son of Jafar. Long hair, always wearing that hat of his, sporty kid, daddy issues. He was always having a good time.

Carlos, son of Cruella de Vil. Black hair dyed white, probably done at the same place I did mine, smarter than half the Isle put together, serious mommy issues. He deserved better than what he got, in my opinion.

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