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Silence, that's all there was. The stars twinkling in the night sky, trees blowing through the trees around a large grey building. The building sat just outside of a city, bustling, bright lights shining like as if it was the sun itself.
Then siren broke through the silent night air. Then a cat bursted through the window of the third story, shattering it on impact.
She landed perfectly on her feet, her black pelt with a white stripe pattern ruffled with the breeze. A cat, with the opposite color, landed behind her. However he wasn't as lucky, landing onto his side.
The she-cat ran to his side immediately, placing a paw on his shoulder. His pelt was covered in blood, he chuckled. "What are you doing runt? Get out of here while you still can." He coughed, blood splattering on the ground.
"I can't leave you." The female cat said, trying to get the male cat onto his feet. "C'mon, get up!"
"Hey, hey." The male cat stopped the females attempts, placing a paw on hers. "Everything is -" his sentence was interrupted by coughs.
"Save your breath. C'mon let's go. We can be free! Together! Just like we talked about." The female cat insisted, a smile forming on her face.
"Go be free without me. I-" he coughed again. "I'm done for."
The female's eyes widened, her tail fluffing up. "No... no! Don't say that!" Tears begin to form at the corner of her eyes.
"Where did they go!?" A voice shouted.
"Go." The male cat said, his orange orbs staring in her (e/c) ones.
"There they are!" Someone shouted.
"Go!" The male hissed, forcing himself to stand, facing the men that were running straight for them.
The female remained frozen, her tail stuck between her legs, ears cuffed back.
The male turned his head, giving her a smile, "Be free for the both of us."
He then charged forward, lunging at the men. Gun shots fired, the female forced herself to turn around running towards the bushes at the far end of the clearing.
She took cover in them, before turning around. Daring herself to watch as the events unfold in front of her.
She watched as the male, collapsed on the ground, his sightless eyes staring into her own. He took his final breath, before he went still. Then the cat transformed into a human with white hair and pale skin.
"No!" The female screamed out in agony. Catching the men's attention.
With tears streaming down her face, the female turned and ran through the forest. She kept running, the men right on her heels.
She constantly stumbled over roots and vines, making her go slower than she would like. Then a gun shot rang out, a sharp pain struck her shoulder, causing her to tumble to the ground.
She laid there dazed, confused on what happened for a second. Until it clicked in her head, run. She stood up and bolted once more, ignoring the immense pain in her shoulder.
She ran into a dark, cave. The chill ness filled the air, drops of water echoes off the walls. Vines grew around the walls, giving it an almost magical look.
The female took a glance behind her, until her paw caught onto a rock, lurching her forward. She tumbled, but she couldn't feel the ground.
She blinked open her eyes, to see the cave ceiling getting smaller and smaller and smaller. 'I'm falling.' The female thought.
"I'm sorry brother." Then everything went dark.

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