Chapter 2

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    I blink open my eyes, everything was blurry for a second until my vision cleared. I look around, noticing I was in a sort of room with a green couch, a TV, and some stairs leading to the second story.
    I look down to see I was laying in a cat bed, I look over at my shoulder to see it wrapped in some bandages. I wasn't taken by that goat lady? Then who was that person?
    I tried to sit up, but collapsed as soon as pain shot through my shoulder. "Hey, don't get up. It will reopen the wound." I look up to see a light brown tabby with dark brown eyes.
    I blinked a few times in shock then asked, "How did I get here?"
    "My care taker brought you here and fixed you up after he found you out in the snow." The tabby answered with a small smile.
    I nodded, looking back over my shoulder. "I'm Doomfanger by the way! What's your name?" He asked.
    Doomfanger... that's an odd name. "I'm (Y/N)." I answered, looking back over at the brown tabby.
"That's a nice name." Doomfanger complimented, laying down in front of me.
"How are you feeling?" He asks, worry glistening in his eyes.
"Fine as long as I don't move." I told him, taking a glance at my shoulder.
Doomfanger was about to say something else till a loud voice shouted, "DOOMFANGER! YOUR DINNER IS READY!"
My fur stood on end, my tail fluffing up. "Relax, the care taker is naturally loud but he won't harm you." He reassured standing up. "I'll be right back." He meowed, walking through a doorway which I guessed was the kitchen.
    I looked around the room once more, making not that, what I guess, the front door which was a couple of inches away from the TV.
    "OH YOU ARE FINALLY AWAKE! TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!" I snap my head back in front of me looking up.
    A tall skeleton loomed over me, he wore black and red armor, red gloves, red high heeled boots, and a noticeable scar over his eye socket.
    I've never seen a living skeleton before, how was it even alive?
    I cuffed my ears back, my head lowering down to my paws. He was big and intimidating... very intimidating. He crouched down, I flinch as I notice his hand coming closer.
    He stopped a few inches from my muzzle, I lifted my head slightly, leaning it forward. I sniffed his hand a few times, it smelled of tomato sauce, Doomfanger, pasta noodles, beef, and... a small hint of blood. My blood to be exact.
    I rub my head up against his, saying a sort of thank you. "NYEHEHEH, I KNEW YOU WOULD WARM UP TO ME KITTEN! I AM THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS AFTER ALL!" He shouted, placing a hand on his chest.
    So that's his name, Papyrus. I don't think I've ever heard that name before.
     "NOW LET'S GET YOU SOMETHING TO EAT!" He stood up straight, walking back through the doorway he came from.
    I could hear a metal bowl being placed down on some hard surface, then something small being pounced in there.
    Papyrus walked back into the large room, carrying a metal bowl that looks to be used for mixing ingredients. "NOW I KNOW IT'S NOT A FOOD BOWL BUT ... IT WILL DO FOR NOW!" He placed the metal bowl down in front of me, then walked back into the kitchen.
    I could hear my stomach growl, I look into the bowl to see ... cat food. I'm not a type of person to be ... well picky with food.
But I ate cat food before in my car form, it was one of their experiments, and I ended up throwing it all up and have stomach cramps for a whole week. My brother and the others reacted fine to it... it was just me I guess.
Loosing my appetite, I push the bowl away and laid my head on my paws. I felt myself drifting off to sleep, till I heard the front door open. My head shot up to see another skeleton wearing a black jacket with white fluff, a red shirt underneath, black cargo shorts with white stripes on the sides, and red tennis shoes. Unlike the taller skeleton he was much shorter and wider, but not fat, he also had red pinpricks in his eye sockets, and a single golden tooth.
A cold breeze flowed through the house until the skeleton closed the door behind him, grumbling. "SANS IS THAT YOU!" I hear Papyrus shout.
"No, it's just the mailman." The skeleton, which I'm guessing is Sans, said sarcastically.
"DON'T GET SMART WITH ME! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!?" Papyrus growled, walking out of the kitchen over towards Sans who flinched looking slightly nervous.
"Oh I don't know boss, maybe it's because I've been freezing my a$$ off at my station waiting for you to give me the clear to go home!" Sans shouted back.
Doomfanger sat down next to my bed saying, "There they go again."
"They are always like this?" I asked, looking over at Doomfanger.
He shrugged, "Most of the time yes, but not always. But it does sometimes gets physical."
My eyes widened in fear. "Don't worry, they don't hurt each other... too severely. I recommend staying clear from them when they are like this." Doomfanger said, flicking his tail towards the arguing skeletons.
"Are they related?" I asked, noticing some similarities between the two.
"Yeah, they are brothers. Sans is the older one." Doomfanger answered.
They are brothers? They shouldn't be fighting like this... they should be getting along. Who knows when the other will... not be here. It could all happen in a flash, not having the chance to say goodbye.
"(Y/N)?" Doomfanger gave me a worried look.
"They shouldn't me fighting like this." I meowed softly, a glint of determination in my gaze.
"Yeah... but what are you going to do about it? It's just who they are." Doomfanger replied with a shrug.
I let out a loud meow, hoping that at least Papyrus would look over. But nothing, they were too busy arguing.
I flicked my tail in annoyance. "What are you trying to do?" Doomfanger questioned in alarm.
"To make them stop fighting." I answered, placing my paw on the metal bowl. I noticed the TV stand wasn't too far away. I aimed the bowl at the TV stand, then pushed it.
The bowl hit the TV stand with a loud clang, then it swirled a little bit, some of the cat food spilling out onto the floor.
It was silent after that, both of the skeleton brothers attention were now on me. I look over at Papyrus, letting out a small meow, my ears cuffed back and looking up at him with innocent eyes.
"You got another flea bag?" Sans questioned, glaring at me. I gulped nervously.
I heard Sans sigh, "What are you going to name her boss."
Papyrus picked me up gently, careful not to touch my shoulder. He begin to stroke my head as he seemed to think for a moment.
    "HOW ABOUT... SHADOWSTRIKE!" Papyrus exclaimed with a bright smile. I... actually like the name. It sounded fierce and matches well to my pelt. I let out a purr of approval.
     Papyrus then glanced over at the food bowl then back to me. "YOU HAVEN'T EATEN ANYTHING! HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO GET BETTER AND STRIKE DOWN MY ENEMIES IF YOU DON'T EAT?" Papyrus questioned, placing me back down on my bed. He grabbed the bowl and put it in front of me. "NOW EAT SHADOWSTRIKE. THAT'S AN ORDER." Papyrus commanded, sitting behind the bowl.
    I wrinkled my nose, using my paw to push the bowl away from me. "Do you not like cat food?" Doomfanger asked.
    I look at him, shaking my head, "It makes me throw up." He nodded in understanding.
    The bowl was pushed back in front of me by Sand, he glared down at me saying, "Eat."
    I pushed the bowl away from me again as in saying no. Papyrus seemed to think for a moment, "AH HA, I UNDERSTAND NOW. YOU DON'T WANT THIS RUBBISH. DON'T WORRY SHADOWSTRIKE I KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS PROBLEM. SANS WATCH HER." Papyrus stood up and went into the kitchen.
    "What is there to watch? She ain't moving anytime soon!" Sans shouted at Papyrus as he left. He then glared at me, "You may have my brother wrapped around his little finger rat... but try anything funny and we will have a good time." His left eye glowed a red hue.
    I cocked my head to the side, looking at him curious. What does he think a cat can do to a skeleton?
    Papyrus then walked back into the room, placing down a plate of lasagna. "HERE YOU GO SHADOWSTRIKE. THE BEST MEAL YOU WILL EVER HAVE IN YOUR LIFE." He exclaimed.
    I gave it a curious sniff, my stomach was already growling again. I took a small bite, flavors hit my tongue. Once I swallowed my bite, I licked my lips and took another bite.
    "NYEHEHE I KNEW YOU WOULD LOVE IT!" Papyrus exclaimed.
     This place isn't half bad... I think I'll stay. For now at least.

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