Chapter 11

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I stumbled towards the front door, grabbing a hold of the handle. I was about to open it, however the door swung open. I jumped back, just in time to dodge a flying white blur. "AND STAY OUT YOU SL*T!" I heard Papyrus screamed angrily. 

I looked down at the snow to see the white bunny I saw earlier. She glared at the door, standing up and began stomping towards the door. I stood in her way, glaring down at her. "I recommend staying out of his way. He doesn't take kindly to monsters disobeying his orders." I warned, glaring down at the rabbit. 

She gulped, backing away before running off. I let out a sigh, opening the door to see Papyrus arguing. Papyrus whirled around when the door opened, his glare softened as his eyes landed on me. "OH, IT'S JUST YOU (Y/N). I THOUGHT YOU WERE THE W***E." Papyrus said with a growl, before turning back to Sans. 

"I told you boss! I had no idea how she got in here!" Sans shouted, sounding more sober than he did earlier. "DO YOU REALLY THINK I'M STUPID!" Papyrus yelled. 

They started to argue once more, I watched them in an emotionless daze. I eventually took the first few steps forward, avoiding the two arguing brothers, walking up the stairs. I walk down the hallway, the brothers voices dining down slightly as I walked farther away. 

Every step I took, the noise seemed to dim, my eyes starting to get out of focus. Once I made it to the bathroom, I couldn't hear anything nor see anything behind the tear. I closed the door behind me, locking it. 

I wiped my eyes, clearing my vision to take a look in the mirror. What I saw staring back at me was a complete stranger. Her black hair was matted and a mess, her cheeks were stained with tears, her shirt ripped to shreds while her jeans had rips in them. Her wrists were beginning to turn purple, the scratch on her cheek still had blood seeping through the wound. Her eyes had no spark, no joy, they seemed dead and broken. Like as if someone sucked the whole life out of her. 

I took my head up to it, seeing the girl do the same. I begin to sob, gasping in shock, it was me. I crumbled down to the ground, covering my mouth with my hands hoping to cover up my sobs. I look down at my hands, taking them slowly away from my mouth to see white fur and blood covered my nails. 

I forced myself to stand, turning on the faucet sink, washing my hands thoroughly. I turned off the water, drying off my trembling hands. I sat back down, looking at my bare feet to see a bruise around my ankles. 

I begin to cry once more, bringing my knees up to my chest. I know they didn't ... but they still touched me, hurt me, if I didn't somehow broke free I don't know what they would've done. They might've tortured me or worse, make me their pet. 

I folded my arms on top of my knees, burying my head in the small hole, crying into it. I then hear a small knock, "Kitten, you alright in there?" Sans's voice questions. I could tell he was slightly pissed due to his tone, most likely the effect of arguing with Papyrus. 

I opened my mouth, but only a small whine came out, I kept my head buried. Sans knocked once more, then tried for the door, "Kitten?" Sans asked, this time sounding slightly alarmed, his pissed off tone completely gone. "(Y/N)?"

I couldn't bring myself to speak, I felt ... ashamed. I just don't know what to do, would he even care?  

Sans tried for the door again, "(Y/N) c'mon, let me in. I-I'm sorry me and Pa- er boss fought earlier. I know you never like it when we fight but ... I promise it will get better." 

I began to cry even more, I tried holding back any sound, trying to prevent him from hearing. But the more I hold back, the louder the sobs seemed to become. I then hear Sans sigh, "Alright, I'm coming in."

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