Chapter 6

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Sans POV
"SANS WAKE UP!! IT'S TIME TO-" I blinked open my eyes, look at the blurry vision of Papyrus. "WELL, WELL, WELL. LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE TOOK A LIKING TO YOU."
I gave him a groggy confused look, raising a bone brow, sitting up. "What're you talkin about boss?" I questioned.
         "SINCE YOU TWO GET ALONG SO WELL YOU CAN TAKE HER TO YOUR POST TODAY." Papyrus said, ignoring my question. 'Wait did he say her?' I question, I felt something brush against my arm. I look down to see Shadowstrike curled into a ball beside me.
         "What the f@ck!" I screamed, yanking my hands close to me in shock. "BE DOWNSTAIRS AT EIGHT SHARP." Papyrus's ordered, walking out of the room.
         I glared down at the little rat, then shoved her off the bed. She landed on the floor with a thump.
(Y/N)'s POV
         Ow, geez he could've at least just ... actually pushing me off the bed is enough. I stood up from the floor, shaking my fur. I glared up at him, he kept me up almost all night with his nightmares me having to comfort him the entire time and this is how he repays me!?
         "What's wrong rat? Did I wake you?" Sans sneered. I let out a low growl, my eyes narrowing to slits, my tail flicking in frustration. "Hey! Don't get sassy with me!" Sans growled, I didn't flinch, he can't hurt me unless he wants to deal with Papyrus. Besides he's not that type of person or ... uh ... monster.
          I trotted out his room with a huff, padding down the stairs and walking over to the small cat bed I laid in when I first got hear.
         I stepped into it, not feeling really hungry, then laid down. "Hey (Y/N). Where were you this morning?" Doomfanger asked, walking up to me.
         "In Sans's room." I mumbled, laying my head down on my front paws. "He was having nightmares last night so I thought I try to help."
          "Let me guess ... you didn't get much sleep and Sans pushed you off the bed this morning?" Doomfanger said, sitting on his hunches.
             I sighed, "Yep." Speak of the devil, Sans came thumping down the stairs. I merely glanced over making small eye contact with him, then looked away. "I think I sprained my shoulder a bit too."
              I heard a huff, then stomping fading away into what I guess was the kitchen. "Eh, you are still healing. Just don't push yourself too much." Doomfanger responded with a shrug.
I nodded in response. "SHADOWSTRIKE! DOOMFANGER! FOOD'S READY!" Papyrus called out.
Doomfanger padded quickly to the kitchen, I followed behind him, a bit more slowly though. Doomfanger gobbled down his food, I just shake my head. I bent my head down, taking a sniff of my fish. I smiled with satisfaction as I could only smell the fishy smell.
                I watch from my corner of the cage as a hand placed a bowl down filled with small fish. I wait for the hand to disappear before padding over to the bowl.
                 I lick my lips, leaning down about to take a bite. "Nah ah." A voice said quickly, a golden paw pushing me back slightly. I look up at the black furred she-cat with golden stripes.
                  "But, mom I'm hungry." I whined, as if on cue my stomach rumbles loudly. My mother's ear twitched. "I know sweetie, but I want you to sniff it first." She says, placing her paw down.
               I cock my head to the side slightly, "Why?"
               "Just do as your told." She responds, sitting on her hunches. I did as told, sniffing the fish. It smelled like any other fish, but I caught something strange. My brows furrowed in confusing as I sniffed it once more. The scent made my nose wrinkle, I lurch my head away.
               "What is that smell?" I ask, covering my snout with my paw. My mother seemed to be surprised by my reaction. "It's poison. If you ever smell something that isn't right. Never ever eat it or even touch it. Understood?" My mother questioned, giving me a stern glare.
             "Yes mommy." I responded with an innocent look.
            She relaxed, a smile forming on her face, "Good, now go play. I'll see if I can't get you real food." She said, gesturing her paw towards the worn out toys scattered around the place. Then turn and left through a mechanical car door activated my her collar around her neck.
           I simply sigh, going back to the corner I once was at before. I kicked the bowl along the way, knocking it over out of frustration. I curl into a ball, placing my head on my paws.
         It was boring without anyone to play with. I closed my eyes, falling into a dark void.
               I snap out of my daze, catching a familiar scent. I cuffed my ears back, moving my head away from the bowl. 'Rat.' I thought, looking around.
             Papyrus was eating at the table with his brother, Doomfanger is still stuffing his face with cat food.
             I hate rats, they would constantly steal our food and attack me and my brother whenever we would try to steal them back. Most of the time our mother and the doctor had to go in and kill the rats themselves. We were just kits, most of the rats being bigger than us. I think that was really the only time Tiger and my brother got along.
          I stuck my nose in the air, I'm not going to let no rat bite any of the brothers or Doomfanger. Much less steal their food. I caught it's scent, following it towards the cupboard.
          "SHADOWSTRIKE!!" Papyrus shouted, catching my attention. "EAT YOUR FOOD. WE HAVE PATROL." He ordered, I turn my head to glare at the cupboard then went to my food bowl. I'll definitely get the rat later.
Sans POV
             I watched as the cat walked back to her food bowl. Huh, that was strange, I don't think I have ever seen her act like that.
            I notice her glance at the cupboard every now and then, as if waiting for something to come out. "Uh boss ... is there-"
           "THERE IS HER FAVORITE MEAL IN THE CUPBOARD. SHE PROBABLY SMELLS IT." Papyrus cuts me off, finishing his plate.
        "NOW LETS GO!" He commanded, standing from his chair.
         Shadowstrike heard seem to hear him, as she gobbled down the rest of her food. "COME SHADOWSTIKE! LETS SEE WHAT YOUR MADE OF." Papyrus said, snatching her up and walking out the door.
             I followed close behind, grabbing my jacket along the way slipping it on. "NOW SHADOWSTRIKE YOU WILL BE WITH MY BROTHER KEEPING LOOK OUT FOR HUMANS! UNDERSTAND!?" Papyrus said.
           The cat meowed in response, he then handed her to me. I rolled my eye lights, taking her in my arms. "NOW I SHALL BE OFF. SANS IF I CATCH YOU SLACKING OFF I WILL HURT YOU." He shouted as he walked away.
            Once he was gone I teleported to my post with the rat in my arms, once I was at my post I placed her on the counter roughly.
             "Now kitty, we have some things to discuss." I growled, glaring at her. She flinched, looking up at me nervously. "What did you do to my bro's hand?" I asked.
             She cocked her head to the side, seemingly raising a brow as if questioning me. "There is a bandage around his hand and there is only on cat I could think of. Doomfanger doesn't even have any claws, but you do."
            She yawned, her fangs glistening in the light. I clenched my fist, slamming it down on the table causing her to jump. "You little stickin rat!" I growl.
             Her eyes widen for a moment, before they narrowed and she growled. "You think your all high and mighty because your protected by him. You think you can't be touched huh? News flash! He doesn't actually care about you he cares for no one. Especially a little b**** like you!" I yelled, giving her a little shove almost knocking her over.
             She seemed to rolled her eyes, correcting herself and turning her head toward me. Her eyes narrowed to slits, that hair on her back raising, she hated her fangs as she hisses. I smirk, "There ya are. Come at me cat, do your worst."
          She lunged, I closed my eyes but felt nothing instead I heard a scream of pain come from behind me. I whirl around to see Shadowstrike clawing at a bunny monster with a knife in his hand.
          What the h*ll!?

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