Chapter 5

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I whirl around, looking up to see a fish like monster with red hair pinned up in a ponytail. She was also wearing red and black armor along with a scarf wrapped around her neck.
     She looked very intimidating. I begin to back away slowly, my ears flattening up against my head.
"What are you two kitties doing out here in the cold?" She asks, squatting down.
Doomfanger let out a small meow in welcome. "I recognize you! Your Papyrus's cat ... Doomfanger right!?" She questions.
He purred as if in response, rubbing his head on her knee. 'He has no clue what she just said and he's just going to respond like that!? She could be talking about stealing his fur for all he knows!' I thought in alarm, tucking my tail in between my legs.
She may not be as tall as Papyrus ... but her armor seemed almost... scary familiar. She looked like one of the guards that guarded the lab, mostly to prevent any subjects escaping. Sure their armor wasn't made of metal like hers I knew that but... I couldn't help but see a lab guard standing in her place.
I could feel myself begin to tremble, my fur sticking up to make myself look bigger. My vision flashed between the fish guard and a human guard.
"Now who is this? Did Papyrus get another cat to add to his army?" The fish questioned, not noticing the signs of stress and fear on my features.
She reached out her hand towards my collar, in my eyes the hand looked like a humans. I could feel my heartbeat quicken it's pace, thumping loudly against my chest.
"Stay away from me!" I yowled, unsheathing my claws and swiping a paw towards the fish lady's hand, or in my eyes a human's hand.
Her hand retracted back quickly, causing me to strike only empty air. I then stood up straight and bolted in a random direction. Trying to get myself away, far away from the scene.
I kept running blindly, sometimes tripping over roots or even knocking into trunks.
I then hit something hard, head first. I stumbled back, looking up to see none other than Sans. He held the face of fear before looking down at me to see relief flash across his face.
I never felt so happy to see Sans in all my life. "Oh thank god." I let out a sigh of relief.
I let out a surprise meow as I was all of a sudden snatched up, now face to face with Sans. "Do you realize how long I have been lookin for ya!?" He yelled, his face contorted with anger.
I looked down, feeling guilty. My ears cuffing back slightly, my tail curling up against my legs. I then heard a sigh, as he brought me close to his chest saying, "Don't ever disappear like that again."
My eyes widened in surprise... he cared about me? I smiled slightly, burying my head into the crook of his neck. He then pulled me away and set me down roughly in the snow.
I watched as he looked around, "Now where is the other rat?" I cocked my head to the side wondering, 'Other rat?' Then it hit me... Doomfanger. I left him behind with that fish lady or guard or whoever that was.
      Just as I was about to get Sans attention. The fish bursted through the bushes, skidding to a halt in front of us. I jumped in fear, running behind Sans for what little protection he can offer.
      In her arms was Doomfanger, looking a bit dizzy. "Oh, hey Sans." The fish lady greeted with a smile. "I believe this is yours." She said, handing him Doomfanger. Sans took him then placed him on the ground.
      "They're not mine. They belong to boss." Sans commented with a huff, slipping his hands into his jacket pockets.
       "Yeah yeah I know." The fish lady rolled her eyes. "Oh there was another one to! But I don't know where it went. Want to go search for it?"
      "Nah there is no need." Sans said with a shrug. The fish lady gave him a confused look. "She's right here." Sans finished, gesturing to me with his head.
      Me and the fish lady made eye contact. She smiled, squatting down and reaching out her hand. "There you are. Why did you run off kitty?" She asks.
I took a few more steps back, remaining behind Sans. "Looks like she's scared of ya Undyne." Sans chuckled, looking over at me.
      The fish lady... or I guess Undyne's smile fell to a frown. "Don't take it personally. She was very skittish around us for the first few days." Sans said, looking back over at Undyne.
Undyne nodded, giving me a sympathetic look before standing up straight. "So, care to explain how they got out?" Undyne stated, placing down Doomfanger who padded over towards me.
      "Don't know honestly. I guess one of them opened the door, boss must've forgot to lock it." Sans told her with a shrug, a confused look on his face.
      "Huh, you got some smart cats." Undyne praised, smiling towards me and Doomfanger.
      Sans glanced down at us, his smile as a frown. "Well I won't keep you long. Just wanted to return this little guy." Undyne said.
      "Alright see ya." Sans said, waving slightly. We all watched as Undyne ran off, bolting through the forest.
       Sans then began to walk away as well, going in the opposite direction. "C'mon rats. Let's get home before Boss does." Sans said.
       I gestured Doomfanger to follow, as I trotted up to Sans to walk beside him. The wall back was rather quick, I swore we were farther from the house. Maybe I ran faster than I thought.
Sans led us into the house, letting out a groan as he flopped onto the couch. "You two are just too much trouble." He grumbled lowly, as his face was buried in the cushions. He then turned his head to look at us, which we were just playing around with the toys in the house like nothing happened.
"Now which one of you rats opened the door?" He questioned with a growl, glaring at the two of us. I flinched slightly, as I stopped playing with the toy mouse for a second.
Before Sans could say anything more, Papyrus bursted through the door. "CAT ARMY! THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS IS HOME!" He shouted, slamming the door behind him.
      Doomfanger and I padded up to him, rubbing our heads along his legs. "YES, YES HELLO. I KNOW YOU MISSED ME." He said, crouching down and patted our heads. "SANS!" He calls out, standing back up straight.
      "What!?" Sans shouted in return, sitting up on the couch, turning on the TV.
      "DID YOU FEED THEM YET!?" Papyrus questioned, walking into the living room with his hands on his hips.
      "No, not yet. To be honest I just got home boss." Sans said, looking up at Papyrus nervously.
      Papyrus just shrugged, seeming to believe him. He then walked into the kitchen, Doomfanger following behind him.
      "You're a smart cat." I heard Sans say, his tone low and dangerous. I look over at him, cocking my head to the side, acting innocent. "Don't think I don't know it's you. Doomfanger is way too lazy and dumb to turn a doorknob." Sans commented crossing his arms. "You were trying to escape weren't ya?" Sans questioned, a smirk playing on his face.
      I was about to shake my head, to say I want to be here. But I didn't, I couldn't give away that I understand them clearly ... plus they can't understand me when I speak in cat form. I just meow.
      Instead, I lifted up my back leg and scratched the collar, making the name tag make noise. Sans seemed to just now notice the collar strapped around my neck, his own hand reaching up to his spiked collar. "So you already got a collar huh rat? Be careful not to loose it if you want to live in this world." He laughed.
      I rolled my eyes, padding away into the kitchen to see if Papyrus made my meal.
Sans POV
      I stopped laughing, the smile on my face turning into a frown. I couldn't figure out the cat! She has this intelligence behind her eyes most animals don't have, she even sometimes seems to understand me or Paps.
      Is she one of Alphys's experiments? Highly doubt it, Alphys hates cats one and two she mostly experiments with either Metatton or human souls. She wouldn't be interested in a simple cat.
      Her fur is unique to in a way, I don't think I have ever heard of a black cat with white stripes. She also hates cat food, any type. Dry food or wet food, I've tried since I didn't really want to fix her anything to eat.
      I let out a sigh, shaky my head from all the thoughts. I'm really loosing it, aren't I? Fretting over a cat? Cats can be smart, smarter than a dog most of the time.
      Maybe it's time to have a break with these cats, just spend time to myself. But ... Frisk should be coming soon. Surprised she ain't here yet, a bit later if you ask me.
(Y/N)'s POV
      Papyrus gave me some fish, which I gobbled up quickly. I think fish is the only thing I can eat raw and not vomit it up later. Plus ... fish is known to me a cats best friend, as in best meal ever!
      After the meal, we followed Papyrus to his room. I jumped up onto the bed, getting into my place by the foot of the bed while Doomfanger slept by Papyrus's side.
      I closed my eyes, letting the darkness cover me like a warm blanket.
      I was backed into a corner, my tail between my legs. A large brown tabby smirked at my small, trembling form. "Ha! You're our ray of hope? You can't even stand up for yourself!" He laughed.
      "T-Tiger please leave me alone. I don't k-know why they keep saying those things I swear!" I told him.
      "Oh please. Don't try and act like the victim here! You are the special one! You and your dumb brother!" He growled. "They can't hurt either of you anymore because you're the cure!"
      He then placed a large paw on my shoulders, pinning me to the ground, his claws digging onto my pelt. "You get to sit in comfort while we get tortured!" He hissed, digging his claws deeper into my pelt.
      "That's not true! We are still being experimented on every single day! Please stop this!" I protested, trying to wriggle free from his clutches.
      We were kits, just kits, yet he was so strong and huge. He earns his name Tiger.
     "Get off of her you a$$hole!" A blur of white and black crossed my vision, as the weight lifted off my shoulder, the pain ceasing.
     I scrambled up to my feet to see my brother and Tiger tussling about. Until finally, my brother came out on top, hissing, "Touch my sister again and your dead!"
      He then launched himself off of Tiger, who stood up, a deep scratch in his shoulder. He glared daggers at me, then limped away.
     "C'mon runt, before I drag you myself." I heard my brother growled. I padded over to him quickly, walking by his side as we made our way to the other side of the large room filled with beds, food bowls, and climbing posts. I smiled, looking up at my brother, he may act like he doesn't care but he really does. I don't know what I would do without him around.
      I shot my head up, looking around. Expecting to see my brother, only my eyes landed on Doomfanger and Papyrus. I let out a sigh, he's not here anymore.
     The strongest tom cat I knew, now dead. "No." I heard someone mumble out. I pricked my ears, where is that coming from?
      "No Papyrus. Don't go." Is that ... Sans? I jumped down from the bed and opened the door using the same strategy I used to open the front door.
     I padded out, heading towards Sans's room which was right across the hall. His door was slightly opened, I pushed it open a little more with my head.
      I peeked into the room to see Sans tossing and turning, red tears streaming down his face. 'He must be having a nightmare.' I thought. I padded over towards his bed, jumping up.
     I curled myself by his chest, rubbing my head along his arm, letting out a purr. He seemed to relax a little, rolling over to his side, placing and arm over me.
     'Well looks like I won't be getting out of here anytime soon.' I thought, letting sleep take over me once more.

     Hello readers, sorry it took so long but it's here and it's super long! Just so I can make it up to you guys for the huge delay, there was school, work, and the second book to my countryhumans x reader which took up most of my time. Next chapter might be next weekend or this weekend.
     Until next time readers!

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