Chapter 12

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Sans POV

I'm worried ... very worried. It's been a few days since the little incident. (Y/N) hasn't eaten, drinked, slept, or been begging to go outside like usual. Instead, for the past few days, she seems to be on edge. Looking out the window as if waiting for something to happen. She doesn't like being touched, the usual pats on the head or scratch behind the ears sends her into a panic. 

It's not like her, whatever those b@$tards did to her ... damaged her. It's a good thing I went off by hunch and found the guys responsible. 

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle, oh how satisfying it was to see them suffer as they turn to dust. I look over towards the windowsill, my smile fading into a frown as I see (Y/N) staring out the window blankly, her tail twitching back and forth.

"Sans." Papyrus called quietly, fully aware of (Y/N)'s little issue. "We Must Go On Patrol To Look Out For Humans." Papyrus whispered ... or really whispered loudly. 

"An leave her here alone!?" I questioned quietly.  

"Take Her With Us. She Needs To Get Back On Her Feet." Papyrus said with a shrug. 

"B-but Boss-"

"ARE YOU QUESTIONING MY ORDERS!" Papyrus growled, dragging me up by my collar. 

"N-no b-boss." I stuttered out, giving him a nervous smile. 

"GOOD, MEET YOU AT YOUR POST IN AN HOUR." Papyrus said, before walking out the door.

I let out a sigh, looking over at (Y/N) who was still staring out the window, a blank look on her face. "This is going to be painful." I mumble. 


I ... I can't feel anything ... nothing but fear and paranoia. I feel like I'm being watched all the time, those rabbits eyes staring right into my back. I'm growing tired, sleep has never came to me, instead nightmares took over my nights rest. 

"Kitten." I feel a hand on my back. 

I jump clean away, my fur standing on end, I look up at the person with wide eyes and let out a hiss. However, I stopped when I noticed the person was Sans, staring down at me with worry and care. 

"Hey kitten, it's just me." Sans says gently, squatting down and reaching out his hand, giving me a gently smile. "We have to go out on patrol. Boss's orders." 

I begin to tremble, outside? That's where they are, they could be there just waiting to make the right move. 

"Kitten." Sans spoke softly, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I will protect you ... I promise." Sans said patiently. 

I took a cautious step forward, before taking a few more. I took a small sniff of his hand, this is Sans ... he is not them. He has never hurt you ... he helped you. 

I took the courage, rubbing my head against his hand, giving him the small ok. Sans picked me up gently, allowing me to climb up onto his shoulders. I let out a purr, telling him I'm comfortable. 

Sans made his way to the front door, opening it before shutting it behind him. A blast of cold air hits my face, causing me to shiver slightly, ruffling my fur. "Relax, it's ok." Sans said softly, scratching behind my ear. He must've thought I was shivering out of fear instead of the cold, which I don't blame him. I have been on ... edge recently. 

It didn't take long till Sans reached the forest trail, the snow crunched under his feet as he walked, and a small breeze whistled through the trees. I couldn't but realize how much I miss the outdoors, a new wave of confidence surged over me as I twitched my tail in excitement. 

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