Chapter 3

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It's been a few days, and in my opinion, they were the longest days in my life. I got to learn a little more about the skeleton brothers. Papyrus is one of the captains of the royal guard along with another monster, that's what Doomfanger calls them, named Undyne who I haven't met yet. He also tends to ... not show kind emotions like caring or anything like that very often. Especially towards Sans which he emotionally and physically abuses... a lot. I try to stop it as much as I can but luckily... Papyrus doesn't go too extreme. But I still plan on changing this sort of behavior once I can get back on my feet. From what I notice is that Papyrus doesn't raise a finger against us, sure he yells but that's if Doomfanger sneaks into the cabinet where the cat food is or if he ever breaks something.
Sans however was different. Unlike Papyrus, who is predictable with his actions, Sans is unpredictable. He's very lazy though, naps a whole lot on the couch and such. He doesn't seem to care for me and Doomfanger that much. Sure he feeds us... but that's because he's ordered to. He stands up for himself against Papyrus most of the time... but that leads to physical and verbal fights which I try to stop them by making some sort of noise but... it hardly ever works.
    After some time, I gave up, I'll try again when I can actually move.
    I watched as Papyrus was playing with Doomfanger with a feather on a string. Doomfanger was chasing it around, pouncing on it whenever he got the chance. It looks like fun. I go to stand up but ... my shoulder wouldn't allow it. I collapsed back into the car bed.
    I heard a chuckle come from the couch, I look over at Sans who had a smug look on his face. "Pathetic." Was all he said, before turning his attention back to his phone.
    I asked Doomfanger if Sans always spout insults but... unlike me Doomfanger can't speak English or human. Only cat. He understands some words like his name and some commands but that's about it.
    I cuffed my ears back and just huffed in his direction. He's just a moron in my eyes. He resorts to violence way to easily in my opinion. And his words don't really mean much, I don't see him with an injured leg. I bet he would be wining all the time.
'You know what! I'll show him!' I sat up slowly, taking it easy. I don't want to push my leg too much, it didn't hurt as much anymore. It was just stiff most of the time now.
    I took a deep breath in and out, preparing myself. I stood up on all fours, wobbling a bit. Jeez looks like all of my legs are stiff from laying down for three days.
    Once I was balanced, I tried to take a step forward to get off of the bed. Key word... tried. I fell forward, like a kitten tripping over their own paws and falling onto the floor. I look up to make sure Sans wasn't watching, he was still looking on his phone.
    I let out a sigh, good he didn't see that. I stood back up on all fours, I stumbled a little, then finally I could walk... or really limp.
    I limp over in the direction Doomfanger and Papyrus were playing. The bell around Doomfanger's collar ringing as he kept jumping for the feather.
    He stumbled on one jump, crashing into me knocking us both over. "Ow." I meowed lowly.
    "Shadowstrike!? Aren't you supposed to stay in bed!? How did you get here!?" Doomfanger questioned.
     I sort of accepted Showstrike was my new name now, I still prefer (Y/N) of course but the name Shadowstrike sort of ... grew on me.
    "I walked here? How else?" I said. "Can you get off me now? Your hurting my shoulder." I asked.
    "Oh right sorry." He said, scrambling off me. I stood back up, shaking my fur.
    "SHADOWSTRIKE!? YOU SHOULDN'T BE WALKING YET." Papyrus exclaimed, now catching Sans attention. "THIS IS AMAZING. YOU ARE TRULY A CAT FIT FOR THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS." Papyrus said, picking me up and placing me in his lap.
    I turned to look at Sans, giving him a smug look. He glared at me in return. I turned my attention back to Papyrus, letting out a small meow.
"THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION! SRAY RIGHT HERE SHADOWSTRIKE. I'LL BE RIGHT BACK." Papyrus said, placing me down and walking into the kitchen.
I look back over at Sans, he was still glaring in my direction. Jeez, he has issues.
"Wow... I haven't seem master that happy in a while." He said, licking his paw and taking it over his ear.
    "Really?" I asked, cocking my head to the side slightly.
    "Yep! Last time I saw him this happy was when we first met me." Doomfanger answered, looking at me with a smile.
    Huh, so he has been happy a couple of times before. "What about Sans?" I asked, mostly out of curiosity.
    "To be honest... I haven't seen that guy smile. Not even once... well not a sinister smile anyway." Doomfanger answered. I look over at Sans who had his attention back on his phone.
    I look around the floor, looking at the many toys scattered about. I found a red bell, I picked it up with my teeth. I then limped over to Sans, throwing the bell onto his chest.
    Sans looked at it in surprise, he then looks at me in surprise. He then smirked, picking up the bell and throwing it into the kitchen. "Go get it rat." He chuckled.
    I sent him a small glare, why does he keep calling me rat? I don't look anything like one?
    I shook my head, limping away. I limp over into the kitchen, finding the bell on the ground. I then limped back, throwing it on his chest.
    To be honest, it was pretty good exercise. Helped stretch out my muscles.
    He looked at me in surprise, he then picked it up and did a little fake throw. I couldn't hear it hit the ground, so I knew it was still in his hands.
    "Smart one huh?" He said with a smug look.
     He then threw the bell up to the second story. Look ... I may be able to limp around but one things I can't do at the moment is get myself up those stares.
    "Heh, try and get it now." He said, turning his attention back on the phone.
    I let out a sigh. I then limp over to Doomfanger. "You want me to get it for you?" He asks, standing up on all fours. Was he watching?
     "You'd do that?" I asked, sitting down and curling my tail neatly over my paws.
    "Are you kidding? Of course! That last time I tried to play with him just ignored it and eventually got up and locked himself in his room." Doomfanger said, trotting over to the stairs. He climbed the steps with was, grabbing hold of the bell and padded down.
    He dropped it at my feet saying, "Here you go!"
    "Thank you Doomfanger." I purred, licking his shoulder. I then pick up the bell and limped back over to Sans.
    I threw the bell onto his chest again. He looked at me in shock, "How did you?" He then glanced behind me, probably looking at Doomfanger.
     "You has help didn't you?" He questioned, then took the bell and threw it at me, hitting me on the head.
    It didn't hurt, just annoying. I let out a small hiss, baring my fangs and flattening my ears to my head. I then picked up the bell and threw it at his face, hitting him in between the eyes.
    "You little sh!&t!" He growled, sitting up. I limped away, flicking my tail in frustration.
    I felt something hit my injured shoulder. I let out a yelp in pain, collapsing to the floor. Looks like it's still sensitive... very sensitive.
    I look around to see what hit me, when I saw the bell. I whirl around my head, flicking my tail in anger, as I glared at Sans.
    My gaze softened when I noticed he looks... slightly guilty. Like he didn't mean to do that or  didn't expect that affect.
    "SANS!" Papyrus growled. Sans jumped, looking over at Papyrus with fear in his eyes.
    "H-hey boss what's up?" Sans said with a nervous smile.
    Papyrus grabbed Sans by the collar of his shirt yanking him upward, his fist raised. "WHY DID YOU HURT HER SANS?" He questioned.
    "I-it was an accident boss! I swear!" Sans said, beginning to tremble in fear. I had to stop this, I stood up, limping over towards them.
    Before Papyrus could hurt Sans, I rubbed my head agains his leg. Papyrus looked down at me in surprise, I look up at him with kitten eyes letting out a little meow.
    He seemed to relax, letting Sans go. "THIS IS MY WARNING. GOT IT." Papyrus growled.
    "Y-Yes boss." Sans said quickly, Papyrus then walked away back into the kitchen.
    "C'MON SHADOWSTRIKE! YOUR FOOD IS READY!" Papyrus called out as he walks into the kitchen.
    I look over at Sans for a moment, seeing him shuddering in fear. I let out a sigh, limping forward into the kitchen. Papyrus got me a food bowl right after work a couple of days ago. Inside it was tuna, I licked my lips.
    "ENJOY." He said, walking out of the kitchen. Most likely going to play with Doomfanger some more.
    I gobbled down my food, but not without wondering... did Papyrus ever ... really hurt Sans?
??? POV
    "Ugh! This is useless!" I heard the doctor growl, slamming his hand down on the desk. I roll my golden eyes, then went back to grooming my black and golden striped fur.
    "I know! How to find a run away lab rat? Use a lab rat to find a lab rat." The doctor said. I stopped grooming, shooting my head up.
    He picked up the phone, putting in a number. "Bring in subject-4." The doctor ordered.
    Subject 4? But isn't that ... oh god that's Tiger!?
    At that moment a large dark brown tabby with a large scar on his side with silver claws walks in with a collar and a leash as well as a muzzle.
    "Change into human form." The doctor.
    The cat complied, shifting into a dark brown haired, muscular man with a scar on his side. With black pants on.
    "Go after and retrieve subject 8 and I may consider putting subject 5 back in you room." The doctor said.
    I stood up, looking up at Tiger. Tiger glances down at me, his amber eyes saying one thing "I'm sorry". I look away, tears welling in my eyes.
    "I'll do it." Tiger said in a deep voice.
    "Good. Bring her back dead or alive I don't care. As long as he should remain unharmed. Now go." The doctor ordered.
    The guards removed the muzzle and leashes from Tiger. He transformed back into a cat and was escorted out.
    I glare at the doctor. "Oh don't be like that dear. We need her."

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